Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2511: Mu Yuan’s doubt

Chapter 2511 Mu Yuan's suspicion

General Yang’s heart was a little drumming, but he was steady. He didn’t show any clues. Lu Mengxi smiled and admitted with pleasure. “Yes, unfortunately, he is a big man!”

The night tomb face is black.

Everyone can feel his wrath. This night was originally an accident. I didn’t expect it to be a conspiracy. Mu is far angry. "If you don’t promise you to be a tainted witness, you can probation. I really want you to be tight. Sitting and wearing, no matter what kind of grudges, no one should involve the elderly and children, this is an international practice."

Mu Yuan’s eyes are sharp. “There are people who don’t blink, and the feuds don’t involve children. You don’t even let a child go, it’s too vicious.”

"This is not what I did, I have any hatred with my children." Lu Mengxi said faintly.

"Is Li Can?"

"Yes, it is also Li Can."

"What is the hatred of Li Can and the Night Mausoleum, why do you want to kill the children's paintings? I don't believe that he is so mad."

"It’s strange to blame the children’s paintings as the grandson of Gu Chun. This is not for the night mausoleum. I know that Li Can and the ghost town have hatred. What is specific, I don’t know.” Lu Mengxi has long thought about it. The confession is said.

Mu Yuan thought, the woman is terrible.

A woman picks up and is much more vicious than a man.

This is typical because of love and hate, the children are not let go.

Zhong Burn has brought Li Can's information over. "Large and small, Li Can's identity background is recorded in the case, Li Jia and Gu Jia are the world, Li Chen and Gu Yuanan are good, Gu Yuanan died, Li Chen and Li Candid somehow alienated, the two brothers have not been in contact for several years, but have not heard of any hatred of Li Can and the ghost town."

The night tomb nodded, Cheng Lao said, "There must be any hatred, otherwise how can a child start, it is vicious, Jiaming must be blinded."

No one will pick up this, and Mu Lao and General Yang will not pick up. General Yang knows the things of child painting, and still thinks about how to pick himself up, but he will not get in.

Didn't you see the face of the night mausoleum so ugly?

Mu Yuan asked, "How can Li Can plan to work on children's paintings? What are the specific plans and who are implementing them? We have checked this matter and it is an accident to be seamless. Where does he start?"

Lu Mengxi said faintly, "I don't participate in this matter, I only know what he did. You have to ask her, but I know one thing. He trades with diamonds, not cash transactions."

This is also a question and three.

Lu Mengxi admitted so quickly that Mu Yuan has not felt that it is not easy. Li Can has been controlled. Li Can will naturally say, "What do you know?"

"The key is what you want to ask." Lu Mengxi said faintly, "I know, I must say, I don't know, you have to ask Li Can."

Mu Yuan said faintly, "I don't believe that Li Can can plan so many things alone, and I don't believe that Li Can will have such a big power. There must be someone behind it. Do you want to say that you are still guilty of launching a ghost? Lu Mengxi, if you are There is a lie, you promise not to give your probation."

"Mu Yuan Major, what I said is true, and you will see you if you believe or not."

"Well, today's interrogation is here, and I think about what I want, and I need Miss Lu!"

"it is good!"

When the trial came to an end, the question asked Mu Yuan basically asked. If you should not ask, you also asked, the momentum is very good. "What else do I need to ask?"

Almost all he could think of.

The night mason thought for a moment, "No."

A few big men just came over to make a card. If you listen to a trial, there is nothing to ask. General Mu said, "People are sent to interrogate Li Can to see if the confession is right."

"I am afraid that she is looking for a ghost!" Mu Yuan said faintly, "What power Li Can has, the night tomb is the clearest, I don't think Li Can can have the ability to plan the whole thing."

The night tomb can't see the emotions.

Now he doesn't care what Li Can did, and what he set up, he wants to know how Li Can started to paint children.

(End of this chapter)

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