Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2514: I have nothing to do with Li Chen.

Chapter 2514, I have nothing to do with Li Chen.

The technical soldier said, "The major, I found someone checking your whereabouts in these years."

"Check me?"

"Yes, there are records on the entry and exit."


"General Yang Yang." The technical soldiers showed him the information and deliberately called it out. "It was a matter of some time ago. It should be after Yang Kuan’s accident. What did he check about your departure?"

Mu Yuan licks his lips. Only those who have a heart, check his whereabouts, there must be records at each airport. If Jack is hiding his information? Will it look more deliberate?

Cai Zhou asked, "Major, do you want the lieutenant colonel to help hide your whereabouts."

"There is no silver in this place for three hundred and two, let him check." Mu Yuan squinted, "the little man's line is sitting right, not afraid of him."

Cai Zhou, "..."

You are not guilty of this?

Mu Yuan has no bottom in his heart, but if he has hidden the record, it must be an accident. It will not be an accident if you hide it. If you hide the entry record of another country, how do you explain it? How did you get into the system of others and black out the information of others?

"Yang Kuan ate such a big loss, he could not give up, he just tossed." Mu Yuan thought, he is not going to hold a wedding banquet, lest people always suspect that he and the man have a leg, held an engagement banquet, Also worry.

He touched his chin and began to study one thing. The brain circuit is the same as General Mu. He is thinking about his own situation. It is impossible to have a child. If his fiancee is willing to give him a child for a surrogate, it is not bad. A good way. But when you are young, you can give birth to a child, you want to be beautiful!

What if you are willing?

That must be unclear!

Mu Yuan pondered to ponder, and did not figure out a result. If the other party is really willing to give him a child, their family will really give their mother and son as ancestors. If she finds her sweetheart, she can go through a formal procedure and be with her sweetheart. Their family can also be her mother's house. Is it... good thing?

Can really and the girl, mention! You are not slag!

Mu Yuan thinks that he can't do this kind of thing. It's okay to open a brain hole. Just like General Mu is also opening a brain hole, he dare not mention this kind of thing, too challenging their bottom line.

Mu Yuan couldn't help but make up for it. After that, Jack will definitely want a child.

What will his child look like?

Western children are especially cute when they are young.

Will he love children?

Mu Yuan thought, if Jack's child, he should love the house and Wu. After all, his blood flowed, Mu Yuan thought more and more tragedy, and interrupted his brain-filled small theater in time.

Li Can is a pale young man. In the eyes of special people, he is honest, very popular and handsome. He is a good superior, but no one would think of such a superior. Come out with such a heartbreaking thing.

He confessed one by one and his attitude was calm, as if he had expected it.

The night mausoleum asked, "What hatred do you have with the ghost town, do you want to start with my son?"

Li Can smiled. "The Secretary, the son of the son is innocent, and he will have a blessing in his death. The past will not be pursued."

"Why don't you pursue it?" said Yuling. "You are afraid that you can't say the details, or are you afraid of what I expose? My son is almost dead. You let me not pursue it?"

"Then my life is paid for you." Li Can said, "One life is worth a life."

"How many things have you planned by yourself, one by one, I want to know the whole process. If I can't say it, it is to prove that you have the same party. I don't care who you are hiding. You don't want to die here. An easy thing to do, always open."

"Secretary, why do I say that I will have the same party? This is what I am doing alone."

"What hello do you have for the ghost town? Why do you want to kill my son? As far as I know, you are the one who is a dead party, Li Chen and Gu Yuanan are very good friends. You are a twin who has always been in a ghost town. Li Chen works at AG. I have a good relationship with my wife, and I have never been unfavorable to my wife. How do you let me believe in you?"

"I am me, Li Chen is Li Chen, nothing to do!" Li Can said very extraordinarily indifferent. "You don't make a mistake, I have never been with him, I don't have this younger brother."

The night mausoleum is not unexpected. Li Can will say this. Shen Qianshu asked him to ask him. He also told Li Chen the words he had feedback, so the night mausoleum would doubt, Li Can’s motive, if everything is not done by him. Why does he want to maintain the people behind him, who is it that he is willing to take risks?

Even, even his own brother can be put aside and ignored.

"So, what evil do you have with the ghost town?"

See you in the daytime.

(End of this chapter)

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