Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2534: Find an obedient

Chapter 2534, find an obedient

On this day, Li Chen had something to do, and Yunan came over to find Li Can.

Li Chen is in the words, Li Can will feel comfortable, facing the face of his younger brother, Gu Yuanan is a brother who knows from a young age, and will definitely relax in his heart. Only Yunan will inevitably feel a little uncomfortable. Fortunately, Yunan is not afraid of life, and eats continuously. A few days for lunch and dinner, I also took Li Can to play, Yunan felt very familiar.

Li Chen will not open his identity for the rest of his life and will live with Li Chen's identity. He also wants to establish a relationship with Li Can. Yunan is naturally happy. He is also grateful to Li Can and Li Chen.

"Big brother, look at these materials, are you satisfied?"

Li Can took over the mobile phone of Yunan. Yunan originally sat opposite him. He simply sat next to him. In addition to Li Jun, Li Can was not used to being so close to him. He moved quietly and moved. Andu did not find out.

He looked at Yunan's information.

"Shen Bin, 27 years old, pet doctor, S city, has two houses in the city, one meter tall and eighty-three, weight 150, looks good, is good at boxing, loves outdoor sports, photography, no bad habits, parents are knowledge molecule."

"Lv Chenglin, 31, freelance photographer, opened a studio, shot for the star model, is very famous in the field, parents are pensioned abroad, one meter eighty-two, weight 156, looks beautiful, like beautiful objects, right Life is very warm."

"Liu Ziming, 35 years old, Professor of Finance, height one meter eighty-six, intellectual family, love calligraphy, occasionally participate in some charity activities, writing, teaching, valuables..."

There are seven people, the average age is 30 years old, and the average height is one meter eighty-three. All of them are men with good economic conditions and no bad habits, but they are very elite.

Li Can is confused. "What is this?"

Yunan smiled. "I and Li Chen have a total of together. I want to find a peach for my eldest brother. Here are seven people who are the ones we choose. They are not our friends, friends of friends, very reliable, and very good. The most important thing is that all of them have been out of the cabinet. There is no pressure at home, and there is no objection. There is no fixed partner for the time being. They are very dedicated and enthusiastic men."

Li Can, "..."

Li Can is an official in the system. The level is very high. He participated in an internal symposium that day. Some departments liked the symposium very much. He talked with a group of people from the people's livelihood and family planning. status quo.

According to the data, the proportion of women left in A city is more than twice as high as that of leftover men. Women are exceptionally good, and good men are booked very early. Some successful choices are also very realistic, looking for young and beautiful boys.

Another situation is homosexual internal digestion.

Men’s lesbians have a wide circle, and the number is also a geometric multiple. The comrades on the side of the people’s livelihood also said a joke. One day they went to the square’s blind spot. He was responsible for the investigation. When he entered, there were a bunch of uncles and aunts pulling him. Ask, how old this year is, where to work. I heard that I was thirty years old and still worked in the Chinese character department.

Others did not ask, directly to get mad, comrades were scared, hurriedly shouted, uncle, aunt do not grab, I am gay.

Because of the sexual orientation, Li Can did not talk about this topic. She thought that the system was conservative and didn’t talk much. Who knows that this group of young people is not at all evasive, he also joined the discussion, and this is the current circle. Very large, and the partner is unstable, and the men in this circle are very good.

Therefore, it caused a lot of women left, and **** men had to digest a large number of them internally.

Li Can also holds an attitude of not believing. After all, he knows that there are not many men who know each other. Naturally, he does not think this is commonplace. This can be seen in Yunan within three days to list him a lot of young talents.

He couldn't help but conceal, and the comrades of the people's livelihood said quite well, and the market was so good.

Still carefully selected, it can be seen that this group is very large.

Yunan saw him not talking for a long time, thinking that he was not satisfied. "Big brother, it doesn't matter if you are not satisfied. What kind of you want, you can elaborate on the requirements, I can help you find it accurately."

Li Can, "..."

Does he look so lacking in men?

"What did Li Chen tell you?"

"No, no, it's what I said." Yunan said with a smile, and shared his experience generously. "I thought that the year when Gu Dajie died, I had a bad time. Later I met Li Chen. I don't know his identity, but I fell in love with him and rekindled hope for life. I think... Big Brother may wish to try it too."

In this relationship, Li Can has exhausted his enthusiasm, energy, and no interest in recognizing a person. "I have no interest in recognizing a person. The cost of falling in love is too high."

The psychological cost is too high.

When a teenager is a teenager, he can be fearless. It takes several years to understand a person, love one person, chase a person, but when he reaches adulthood, he gradually loses courage.

It also lost patience, which is inevitable.

It is also the price of growth.

Yunan was a little disappointed. "I don't have much information to collect, big brother is not interested."

Li Can felt that he was a little inhuman. He had to say, "I will talk about it later, I am not in the mood for the time being."

"Well, that's not anxious." Yun Anmei smugly collected the information. "If you want to find something, remember to tell me, I will help you pay attention, I know a lot of people."

After all, Yunan Xiaocai is an appraiser. Many men who engage in art are not deep cabinets or gays. The circles are very big and much bigger than Li Chen.

Li Can, who was bitten by a snake, couldn’t help but think, what kind of?

He closed his eyes slightly.

He wants to find an obedient one, and listens to him wholeheartedly. He said that the East is not going west. He said that he is not entangled. But he sadly found that this is not the self in these thirteen years?

"Look for an obedient one."

Yunan’s glimpse, “obedient?”

Little cute scratching his head, "Where... raise one?"

Li Can, "..."

(End of this chapter)

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