Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2540: Mu Yuan’s proposal

Chapter 2540, Mu Yuan's Proposal

Mu Yuan stunned her. "Small second brother is so handsome and attractive. In the company of AG, this beautiful girl must be very popular."

"I am also very popular." At the beginning of the night, not only is Xiao Erge, but many people in the school like her. "The second brother said that he would not do things that I am sorry for."

"Hey, man's mouth, can't believe it, it's a big pig's hoof. It would be nice to say it." Mu Yuan said, as if he had never said that he had said the vow.

The results of it?

The breakup still has to break up.

"No, I believe him." At the beginning of the night, he said, "He said I will believe."

Mu Yuan spread his hand, "Okay."

The routine failed.

And when I said the routine at the beginning of the night, it was not used at all.

"Thousands of trees, you are coming back." Or at the beginning of the night, I saw Shen Qianshu at first sight. "How come you?"

Is this not supposed to be at work?

"Today is busy, come back early." Shen Qianshu came over with some snacks. "What are you talking about, so enjoyable."

The children's paintings haunted Mu Yuan, "Little brother is teaching Xiao Er to play the second uncle."

Mu Yuan, "..."

Little children, you know a lot.

Shen Qianshu can not help but, "Okay, don't teach, you are all white, I give her a set of **** clothes on the wedding night, she doesn't know what it means."

Mu Yuan and Shen Qianshu were together and they reached each other.

At the beginning of the night, I pushed the children's paintings to collect nectar. Shen Qianshu sat down. "Have you been in City A?"

"Yes, the mission has not yet come down." Mu Yuan did not mention any tasks, not to guard against Shen Qianshu, occupational disease, "I have a rare vacation, very happy."

His rare holiday, if placed before, will think about how to find Jack to play, in this case he can not go abroad, it must be Jack, it is good to see once.

"How do you feel a lot of things."

"Yun An and Li Can have a car accident today."

"Is it serious?" Mu Yuan's face was condensed. He hadn't received the news yet. It didn't matter to him. He didn't need him to do anything, so no one would tell him about it. He didn't brush it. News, I don't know yet.

The impact of this car accident today is still quite large.

Online is to condemn the driver.

But this big truck driver has never drunk, and is rarely deducted, driving unconventional moments, in order to prepare for his daughter, very hardworking, even if it is so a boos.

"Yun An is still observing, not out of danger, Li Can surgery is successful, but a nerve crushed a piece of congestion, no way to operate, can only see what sequelae after waking up." Shen Qianshu quite troubled.

The nerves were pressed against a piece of blood, which was big or small. When she came back, she asked the white girl. The white girl said that this is indeed impossible to operate, even if they have no way.

The best way is to let the patient relax, slowly adjust, and wait for the blood to naturally dissipate.

Surgery is definitely not working.

There is currently no such technology.

There are certain sequelae, some people are lucky, there is no sequelae, it is a migraine headache, a regular headache or something, it does not matter, eat some painkillers, wait for the blood to disperse.

This is not good.

"Do you suspect that you are a single Junyu?"

"Who is there besides him?"

Mu Yuan has other ideas. "Although Li Can said that Shan Junyu has raised a group of people outside, it is difficult for Shan Junyu to protect himself. This group of people should ask for more happiness and not be exposed. If I am them, I must choose to go abroad and escape. If Shan Junyu gives them out, they will definitely be arrested. At this time, it is too late to escape. How can they still do it?"

(End of this chapter)

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