Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2542: Night Mausoleum's advice

Chapter 2542, Suggestions for the Night Mausoleum

Another small weak chicken.

The last time the hospital was almost dead, everyone knows that this is a small weak chicken that can be abused casually.

Mu Yuan, "..."

Child painting, this is not my harm.

You have to be blameless.

"Li Can's thing... there is a good idea." Mu Yuan blinked mischievously.

"What a good idea?"

Mu Yuan has a lot of ideas. "Isn't he blood pressure? Then... publicity, he lost his memory, and that's it."

Shen Qianshu, "...hey?"

Between the electric and the flint, Shen Qianshu can't think of other methods. This seems to be a good way.

Loss of memory, that is, I can't think of anything. Even if there is someone behind it, Shan Junyu will not take risks.

"When Li Can wakes up, take a look at what happened to him?"

Lu Mengxi was shut down a bit. After she was alone, she was released as a tainted witness and should be taken care of. However, she was suddenly interrogated, which made her a bit violent.

"The person around Shan Junyu?" Lu Mengxi shook his head. "I don't know."

"You don't lie, Li Can has already explained, you and Dan Junyu are directly in contact, and he just took a set of scripts, just in case, we agree that you will be a tainted witness, but your testimony, They are all false. There is no use at all. Major Mu Yuan has promised your probation. I have not counted it. If I were you, I would take a break from the lucky mind and give us the information we need. Otherwise, you will wait for it. rice."

Lu Mengxi panic "You cross the river to break the bridge, I give Li Can, not to lie, he does know the truth."

"Li Can's testimony is clear and plain. He and you have seen it twice. You have always been in contact with Shan Junyu alone. Don't pour dirty water on our director." The interrogator could not help but be Li Can. Speaking.

Today, Li Can is still lying in the hospital.

Lu Mengxi also noticed that something was wrong.

The interrogator’s smell of gunpowder is very strong.

What happened?

"What do you want to know?"

The interrogator asked, "I ask you, you can know which single supervisor has the most contact with the superior, and there is no one behind him."

"Big sister, I am a chess piece, and there is not much time with Shan Junyu. Where do I know so many things?" Lu Mengxi was angry.

The interrogator patted the table. "Whose big sister, I am smaller than you."

Lu Mengxi, "..."

Regardless of how the interrogator changed the way, Lu Mengxi did not know, she did not know things, many things, she did not know the details, and how to know the truth.


In the hospital.

Li Can woke up, the night mausoleum personally came to see him, Li Can had a headache, and the sequelae were obvious. It was a headache, and his vision was weakened. The vision of one eye was a little fuzzy. In addition, the rest of the sequelae were not obvious. Li Chensong In one breath, he gave him medicine first, relieved his symptoms, and briefly said about his condition.

Li Canzhen returned to a life, and his heart was awkward.

In that case, it is really not easy to get back a life. He has nothing to ask for.

"I can stand it."

The night mausoleum has been on the side, very silent, waiting for Li Can's situation to be better, the night Ling asked, "What do you remember?"

"Remember!" Li Can said. "Although the car was knocked over, my vision was blurred, but I saw a killer beside Shan Junyu. I know who she is."

Li Can then provided the information of the killer. The address did not know. But the woman often appeared in the side of Shan Junyu. He was familiar with it, and there were photos of the woman, which directly gave the bell.

"We don't check her for the time being, lest it be a surprise."

“Why?” Li Can still feels a headache, and people are easily annoyed with a headache.

"I will declare to the outside world that you have lost your memory, for your safety, and then... you have to behave like a memory, forget everything and start over."

The night mausoleum feels that Mu Yuan’s suggestion is good, this is the safest practice at present.

Li Can is a bit embarrassed, "This... why?"

See you in Minger! !

(End of this chapter)

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