Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2562: The little prince’s last stubborn

Chapter 2562, the little prince's last stubborn

"Really, I didn't lie to you!" Shen Qianshu said. "You were lying in the operating room that day. Mommy was scared outside. I remembered that you said a word and wanted to send you to training. I stopped. I thought to myself, if I agree, you are in South America, there will be no one to start with you, people there will protect you, you may also be injured, in the accident, if you die, Mommy It will collapse, so I told you at the time that I would send you away."

"Mummy!" Child painting.

Shen Qianshu’s lying is also not blinking. “You are afraid that you will blame me, so he opened his mouth first. Of course, he also has this kind of thinking. We are all parents and love you very much. Naturally, I hope you are safe if I don't agree, you think about it, how can you force you?"

The saddest thing about children's paintings is that.

His mommy was very silent at the dinner table, which shows that she also agreed with this matter. This is because of his frying. He is really sad, sad, and does not know what to say.

ten years.

Eight-year-old children only want to stay with Mommy and don't want to leave.

The child painting said, "Mummy, I understand."

Shen Qianshu breathed a sigh of relief, and she smiled. "Actually, this is also a good thing. You think, ten years later, you are eighteen years old, young and strong, you can just slap you."

Child painting raised eyebrows, hehe... This seems to be a good temptation.

Shen Qianshu said slowly, "You don't have a desire to perform. If you are not Noah, the value of force is not so high. Otherwise, you won't spend so much money to bring the clock to the side. So, you must cheer for this decade." Training, when I come back to find him heads-up, this is the biggest demonstration."

The children’s eyes are bright, “Oh! Mommy, I will work hard!!”

He has already fantasized in his mind. When he was 18 years old, he must be a little fierce man. He must be a minute in the night. Shen Qianshu sprinkled such a panic. He didn’t panic and touched his head. "You don't hate it. Do you know? He loves you very much."

"I don't hate him anymore." Children's paintings are wronged.

"Mummy knows that the land is just not good at expressing feelings. Before he and Mummy reunite, they have worked very hard. There are no people around. He will not express what he thinks, but he loves Mommy very much. I also love you very much. You must understand that you are our baby. He only hopes that you will become stronger and protect yourself. Don’t let him worry."

The husband and wife are like this. One person is playing off, and one person is looking back to make up. When educating children, the same is true. Shen Qianshu is also good for night cemetery and child painting.

"Mummy..." The child painting hugs her, tired of her arms. "Don't worry, I am not the kind of child who will hate my parents. You say so, I am sad."

"Whoever makes you always squat."

"I have always been dissatisfied with me." The children's paintings blinked. "I am so good, he is jealous."

I can't help it.

Shen Qianshu chuckled, licking his head, and smashed the children's paintings in a few words. She kissed her on the forehead of the children's painting and took the three points of information and placed them on the bedside: "Don't rush to make a decision, first Take a look at these three places, check the weather, diet or something. If you think that the decade is too long, you will shorten the time. As long as you reach the standard of depression, he will not insist on ten years."


"Really!" Shen Qianshu guarantees.

"What standard?"

"For example, if you want to reach the peak of individual soldiers, you must do it... The moral and intellectual development is comprehensive. The base will not teach you to kill and fight alone. This is a cowardly education. What you have to learn, you can directly And the instructor said that they will arrange for you according to your actual situation, mathematics and physics must learn." Shen Qianshu spit, "Mummy is eating a physico-chemical loss."

Child painting, "..."

Although he feels that he is a genius, according to Mommy's standards, can he not come back in ten years?

The child's drawing stretched out his hand. The eight-year-old boy has thin arms and thin legs, and the meat is toot. The skin is very white and white. He has begun to figure out what to bring.

Sunscreen must be brought, the mask must also be brought, hand cream, facial cleanser, cream is also to bring a full set, "Mummy, you remember to mail me a box of mask every month." ”

This is already his last reluctance.

Shen Qianshu looked at the children's paintings of the makeup and jade, and fell into meditation.

It’s so beautiful when I was young, really?

You look at Xiaoyuan's brother, who has a star's face and is as rough as a brick.

"...OK." Shen Qianshu said, whether the son was raised by her, this is too beautiful.

See you in Minger! !

(End of this chapter)

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