Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2564: Xiao Yuanyi is difficult

Chapter 2564 Xiao Yuanyi is difficult to level

Starting from Li Ze’s escape, a series of things, he did not believe in Buddhism, nor believe in religion. He was always read by Shen Qianshu’s ear, and he couldn’t help but wonder whether the whole country was a water reversal.

"Li Ze’s affairs have already come to an end. The case of Shan Junyu has also been closed, and it is still annoying. There should be no important things in the second half of the year." Mu Yuan said faintly.

In the second half of the year, I hope that everyone will be safe.

"Well, why don't you go back to China, you just got married at the beginning of the night, don't you bring your honeymoon?" Mu Yuan asked.

This groom officer is quite incompetent.

The night court said, "I just want to take her to honeymoon, how can I have time to do it, and I can’t get away with it, big brother, your business has come to an end, can you take over the matter of AG?"

There are some follow-up things to be busy.

Yuling said, "Let the bell burn."

The night court beat a ring finger. "Yes, I forgot the bell, and such a high salary must be exploited."

Mu Yuan snorted. "The burning wages are so high, my heart is not balanced!"

He was born and died, and his salary was eight thousand a month.

"That called your dad to mention a little more on the defense budget." The night Ling said coolly.

Mu Yuan is like a dish. In fact, a group of patriotic young people with ideals have almost given up their wealth and wealth since they joined the national defense construction. They are really... using love to generate electricity.

The night court said, "The fire is high, the functions are all right, and everything can be done."

"That is too high."

The night mausoleum said faintly, "He has a company share, I fooled the children."

Mu Yuan, "...that is not a flicker, it is also very high."

The night mausoleum is really good for the people under his own hands, and also sent shares.

The night court did not send shares to the dark guards around him.

Another loss to his brother, no wonder Weilin wants to compare.

Yuling said, "His life is in his hands, what is the money?"

The schedule of the night mausoleum, the travel plan of the security team, the logistics support of the security team, which one is not a burning concern, many plots against the night mausoleum, have not been troubled to be dealt with by the bell.

Although it looks very unreliable, people can't look at each other and work very well.

The night tomb gave a few examples, Mu Yuan admitted.

"Ballo hasn't contacted yet?"

The night tomb shook his head, and the night court heard that this time, the international eavesdropping door was a shame for the United States. There are also various conspiracy theories on the Internet.

Former agent Barlow is now being pursued by a top secret security agency, and he does not know where to hide and shiver.

Mu Yuan said, "This kind of agent... is clever. Even if it is pursued, it is the leader of the escape. It is absolutely impossible to get rid of it. It is not easy to catch up with him in the system."

Just as Hu Yang wants to flee, he comes to track, and that is basically impossible to catch.

Because of the case-handling mode and ideas, they all know clearly and are not easy to arrest.

"Do you know who brought the team to arrest?" Mu Yuan is most concerned about this matter and has long wanted to ask.

The night mausoleum is the clearest foreign news, "not Anderson."

Mu Yuan, "..."

Amount... Is it so direct?

The night court smirked and smiled, and did not smash the fear of Mu Yuan. Mu Yuan remembered what Jack said and said the contents of their conversation today. The night Ling frowns, "Do you have any contact under private?"

"This is a business matter, and there is no mention of a private matter." Mu Yuan was a little bit uncomfortable. He wanted to say something. After all, he did not say, "You don't want to slap me, I have a measure."

(End of this chapter)

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