Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2569: I have a little secret

Chapter 2569 I have a little secret

"No," said Yuling. "The traffic control target is too big and too conspicuous. You are not good at getting out of it. Moreover, the traffic control on the high-speed working day in the outer ring must be notified at least one week. It is too late to cause traffic congestion and All kinds of troubles."

The night mausoleum strongly disagreed, Mu Yuan did not force it, but he felt that after traffic control, he would play better, someone could follow, chase and kill, and he could handle it with ease, without worrying about innocence and innocence.

"Then don't choose the outer ring high speed, I strongly disagree, there are many cars, many people, if the other party does not want to go to the same place and will be innocent." Mu Yuan is screening the route except the high-speed and viaduct, after the welcome road comes out, There seems to be no choice.

The night Ling frowned, did not consider the masses. If there was a gun battle, it would indeed cause innocent people to be injured. He thought about it and exchanged the satellite map.

"The city route in the suburbs is OK, just...the clock is burning." The night mausoleum is circled on several roads. "Can you install the camera before 7 o'clock tomorrow?"

"Can't!" Zhongrong directly vetoed, and there was too much work involved in it. One day could not be done. Zhonghuan gave him advice. "You can use aerial cameras and aircraft."

"The aircraft is too far away, there is not enough voltage support, and it consumes electricity and may not be able to support it."

"Secretary, let a high-pressure equipment car follow the aircraft, and this will solve the problem."

Yuling thought about it and agreed to temporarily change the plan and send it to Mu Yuan. After Mu Yuan saw it, he took another look at the route, agreed to the plan, and let the suburban district government issue a notice at 8:30. 9:30, three street controls.

Everything is ready and enters the waiting phase.

Both Cai Zhou and Hu Yang knew that they had to perform the task. They should also be related to Barlow. However, Mu Yuan did not issue an order and they were on standby.

Late at night, Roiburg.

"A Ling did not go home?"

"Large and less said to work overtime at night." Ada had received a phone call. Shen Qianshu was very curious. Generally speaking, the night tomb is a person who rarely needs to work overtime, and it is a big night, which is a bit strange.

The children’s paintings have been crying for a while, and people are also spirited. They are holding a burger to choose where he wants to go wandering. They choose to go and find that the South American base is the best for him. One of them is close to the Antarctic, all the year round, the children’s face It is a rejection of capitalism. I don’t want to go to such a cold and distant place. Shen Qianshu’s advice to him is also to South America.

At least, the weather is good.

The desert is too hot, the Antarctic is too cold, and the children's paintings have chosen South America without any hesitation. Although it is also on the edge of the desert, there are at least some residential areas nearby, and he can also stroll.

The two places in the black rose are really birds that are not smashed.

As soon as he thought of his bleak decade, the children's paintings came from the bottom, holding the burger's affectionate look, and almost cried.

Shen Qianshu, "..."

Son plays too much, it is also a trouble!

The night tomb was not at home, Shen Qianshu also relaxed, about Lin Xiaojuan went out to play, by the way, Yunan and the design department of several girls, assistants are about to go to the bar to play.

The ghost town wants to wash the white, she can't go to the casino.

"Since you get married, there is no night life." Lin Xiaojuan couldn't help but vomit, go to work every day, go home, go to work, go home, go home on time at night, and have a chance to gather with them at noon.

(End of this chapter)

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