Chapter 2574 Darkness Chen Cang

Yunan feels like floating in the ocean. In the stormy ocean, he is a drowning man with a canoe. After a while, he is washed up in the clouds and falls to the bottom of the sea. He can’t breathe in deep water, only to hear the water. The sound of the fight, the body was soft and sour, and some people rushed into him, squatting with him in the stormy ocean.


In the middle of the night, he was a little awake, and the wine was scattered, and people were a bit clear.

Li Chen was still in his body. When he was awakened, Li Chen noticed that his body was like a light, and he was opened in a hurry. Li Chenfu was on him. "I don't want to drink alcohol in the future, I heard no?"

"Ah!" Yunan did not answer, but was tortured. He had a thin layer of sweat. He was confused and overwhelmed. What did he do wrong? "What's wrong with me?"

Drunk, no memory.

"I am not around, I am not allowed to drink in the future, okay?"

In this case, where Yunan said that he was not good, his legs were soft and he had no strength at all.


At four o'clock in the morning, Mu Yuan woke up. He was the earliest person to wake up. At five o'clock, he was gathering time. He woke up and prepared to work before departure. This is the habit of Mu Yuan.

Every time he wakes up an hour before the collection time, check the equipment, check the weather, the weather of the previous day, there is always a little error, the day is the clearest.

In addition to these cumbersome things, there are team members' emergency kits, blood bags, and everything will be checked one by one, and almost the players will wake up.

In the special situation monitoring center, a group of people are resting on the ground and have not slept, which is worse than Mu Yuan and others.

There is a big brother who still praises Mu Yuan with General Mu.

General Mu was very proud, but did not show it. He gathered at five o'clock and set off at 5:00. He did not delay for one minute and arrived at the airport at 5:40.

Mu Yuan dispersed all the team members.

Hu Yang was at a sniper point on the third floor of the airport. The technical soldiers had been in the car. Wei Cheng and Jiang Cheng were responsible for searching suspicious people at the airport.

At 6 o'clock in the morning, there are not many people at the airport. It is not too small. The A-city international airport is full of people all the year round. Mu Yuan put Cai Zhou at the designated place and then checked the flight information.

The console gives a very good map of the route, and the aircraft will drop at the airport at 8 o'clock on time.

Mu Yuan let the console change the time. The announcement was that it landed at 8.20. The plane took off on time. You can't change the time at will. It is not good to change too much time at a time. The error of twenty minutes is just right.


The console is fully responsible for cooperation. What Mu Yuan said, what to do, the technical soldiers cut into the various monitoring of the airport, and connected with the special situation center to view each monitoring corner. Yesterday, the airport was completely repaired, and every camera is good. If there is a camera that is broken today, it means that there is a problem, so the night Ling and other people are particularly concerned.

However, the cameras are all good. The technicians check every person in the airport every frame every time. The boarding people don't care, they are all people who come in.

Especially those who enter the customs.

It is also very slow to go into customs inspection today, especially when foreign citizens enter the customs. It is a long and long queue. Everyone except for checking their passports, check their luggage after checking their faces, and every baggage is checked out. .

Chen Donglai inspected the Customs Department.

7:30 in the morning.

(End of this chapter)

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