Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2580: Mu Yuan and Jack 2

Chapter 2580 Mu Yuan and Jack 2

But they can't do it at the airport!

At the airport, it will hurt the innocent and it doesn't make any sense.

Suddenly, a picture caused Mu Yuan’s attention. It was a man who was more than one meter tall and walked out of the customs with a mountaineering bag. His face was blank and his hair was blond. Such a person is too far for Mu Yuan. Familiar with it.

He often went to Jack. Most of the time Jack was not far from the base. Once in the Delta base, Mu Yuan saw a row of special forces in the Delta base. The pace of their walking, the look has some uniqueness, like a Template like.

This man is walking in a standard military posture, especially with a sense of strength. This is definitely an agent. Although it is very simple to dress, it can not hide the unique characteristics of the body.

Mu Yuan said, "Little pumpkin, staring at him."


The technical soldier adjusted the aircraft and chased the man. He had already passed the customs, but he did not leave immediately. He went to a specialty store and seemed to be shopping. He strolled around and went to the right, very casual.

Mu Yuan pressed the Bluetooth headset on his ear. "All units pay attention to the attention of all units. Terminal 1 arrives at the hall. There is a white man in the specialty shop opposite the bookstore. He is one meter tall and wearing a denim jacket. I suspect that he is a Delta agent. Can Cai Zhou stare at him?"

Cai Zhou replied, "No, major, too many people, he can't be completely exposed to me."

Mu Yuan said, "Xiao Liu, you are pretending to be the ground staff of the airport. Don't keep up too tight. The rest of the people pay close attention to his movements. Be careful not to have conflicts. If he leaves the airport, he will start immediately."


General Mu is a little anxious. "Are you sure?"

Mu Yuan, "Unsure!"

"Not sure what you are wasting this energy to do?"

Mu Yuan raised his hand and glanced at the watch. "Mu General, this is only ten o'clock. Barlow arrives at two o'clock in the afternoon. What is the urgency? See the suspicious characters and check them out."

General Mu licked his lips and was silent.

"Cai Zhou, don't let the target person get out of your sight."


"Small pumpkin, turn all the nearby cameras to him."


Mu Yuan trotting to the hall and telling Chen Donglai, "Chen Donglai, you come to stare at the customs and find a man with similar temperament, report it to me immediately."


Chen Donglai took the order to leave.

Mu Yuan also made a disguise today, wearing a mask of Sven Junxiu. Almost all the agents on the front line did disguise, because the airport was afraid of being photographed by the masses and spread to the social network. The impact was not good.

Xiaoliu is a girl. She is a special agent. Today she is doing ground support. She usually has more domestic tasks. She wears the ground floor of the airport and pretends to be busy. She leaves the specialty store for two meters.

A little girl pushed a wheelchair and accidentally bumped into Xiaoliu. The little girl hurriedly apologized. An old lady sat in a wheelchair. Xiaoliu said hurriedly. "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter."

As soon as she looked up, it was unfortunate that she was on the line of the blond man. The man’s gas field was too strong. Xiaoliu was a girl after all, a little panic, don’t open his eyes.

Mu Yuan, "Oops!"

The night mausoleum is clearly seen in the surveillance. The on-site commander is Mu Yuan. He can't go beyond the power. He can only tell him to treat him. Mu Yuan said, "Xiao Liu, you will leave immediately, don't follow him."

(End of this chapter)

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