Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2621: I must be jealous.

Chapter 2621, I must be jealous.

Cai Zhou, "..."

I must be embarrassed, what have I seen? Where am I? How is this going?

It was a bit challenging for his visual nerves and made him feel that this was a very horrible thing. It was really... I don't know what to say.

Mu far reaction is very cold, "Give me medicine."

Cai Zhou’s worship of Mu Yuan’s five bodies and the feeling that they are majors is really... too powerful.

Cai Zhou went out again, not as a light bulb.

Mu Yuan took the medicine and had a slight pain. He drove his wheelchair to Jack and watched Jack busy, Mu Yuan asked. "When you fired... regret it?"

In fact, he has not been very entangled in this matter.

Just... want to abuse yourself.

Jack didn't return, "No!"

Mu far sneered, man, it really is ruthless.

He couldn't believe that one day, if he was holding a gun at Jack, what would it be like, he thought, he would be mad, and he would definitely lose his head.

He must not shoot, and he will certainly... missed.

Mu Yuan remembered a very distant thing. When he was trained at West Point that year, he walked on the horizontal bar, but Jack shot at him and he did not hesitate.

Although he was able to pass the horizontal bar smoothly, it was a bit psychological to think of the gunshots.

"The heart of the stone." Mu Yuan took a shot at himself. After all, it was difficult to calm down. "Then you haven't thought about it. If you miss it, will I die?"

"I thought about it," Jack said, but he didn't allow himself to miss.

Mu Yuan thought, "Oh, what if you killed me personally?"

"I am going to accompany you."

Mu Yuan’s heart is sour and soft. Jack said that this sentence is very calm. No matter what he does, he always gives a feeling of calmness, and he rarely sees him out of control.

It is very safe, even if it is sweet, it is very calm, and it is calm when it says something poked.

Mu far ridiculed, "Whoever wants you to accompany, they broke up, can't figure it out!"

Jack, did not refute, Mu Yuan took a feather duster on the side, poked his waist, Jack looked back at him, "Hungry?"

"I didn't listen to me if I heard it? We broke up, it doesn't matter." Mu Yuan repeated, couldn't help but hit his back with a feather duster. "Don't be passionate, I don't want you to be so gloomy."

It’s too stupid to go to the Yin Cao government.

Jack didn't talk, Mu Yuan hit him again. He was injured. He couldn't exercise vigorously. He didn't hurt when he hit it. Jack didn't want him to move his arms frequently. "Know it."

Mu Yuan spit out, "Know it!"

This blames him, nothing to say that death is not dead, it is too disappointing, he should say something happy, but in recent autumn, there is nothing happy.

What are mentioned are some unhappy things.

Jack didn't make a bowl of delicious noodles in a short time. He didn't eat dinner. He made two bowls of noodles and accompanied Mu Yuan to eat. Mu Yuan's hands couldn't move too much and he ate very slowly.

"Do you still have a stomachache?"

"No pain." The noodles are really fragrant. Jack's craftsmanship is much better than him. It is coveted.

"Your stomach is always hurt, have time to go to the hospital to check."

"Whoever said it always hurts, just happened to be hit by you."

"I don't see you a lot in a year, I am always hit by me, and the frequency is very high."

(End of this chapter)

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