Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2731: a good performance 2

Chapter 2731 A good performance 2

The ship first released the people, took the speedboat to get close to the pirate ship, and was not close yet, the ship was fired!

The weaponry of a pirate ship is completely different from that of a ship.

At sea, the delivery began, the artillery fired together, the ship was flexible, and it was able to fight directly under the sea, but it could be concealed very well. The pirate ship could not see where the ship was, but ran and continually attacked and hit them.

On the pirate ship, everyone was frightened, and then the people who saw the hurricane pirates began to climb the pirate ship. .

One of them shouted.

"Someone is robbing, it is a hurricane pirate, it is a hurricane pirate!"

The people on the boat were panicked. More than a dozen hurricane pirates went directly to the ship and began to **** resources. Under the cover of the guns, the gunshots continued. This is also a team of pirate ships without evil, and is also in the Somali waters. The pirate group to be solved.

Jack changed his face, his face was cold, not handsome or ugly, a cold temperament, looking very safe, and extremely majestic.

Jack disguised as a pirate, and the hurricane pirates came up to kill and robbery. They were all pirates. Jack had deliberately brought this team of pirates over and deliberately let them kill each other.

The property on the merchant ship is his personal support and disguise.

Two hurricane pirates smashed into the cabin. Jack cleaned two people cleanly. He hid in the dark and didn't show up. It was easy to shoot. He directly smashed his head and dropped two people.

He knew very well that if you want to mix the hurricane pirate ship, you should let them down.

Such a pirate ship, there must be someone in a certain position on the ship to robbery, as long as the reduction, James must find someone else to replace.

Jack was very calm, hiding in the cabin and dropping five people!

James is angry, "What happened?"

He can hear the surveillance, and he has killed five people. It is already a huge loss for the hurricane pirates. They usually get ten stables and almost no losses. The people who led the team were also a little panicked. "The other side is very fierce."

"Let's stay alive, don't kill." James said that a large part of the pirates fled and fled, some of them were killed, and the remaining six were arrested.

Jack is one of the arrested people.

His move is very risky.

He is very clear that if he is not careful, he can't find Mu Yuan, he will lose his life, but he can only take the risk. He can only get on the boat, and several prisoners are pressed on the deck.

Among the two people who died in James, one happened to be a wheelman. This is a very important position on the ship, and no one has replaced it. James has a terrible headache.

Jack also went out. He trained for a period of time on the submarine and was familiar with all aspects of the submarine. At this time, he also knew that James needed manpower and immediately put down his body and begged for mercy.

And counted the position that he can hold, he is not humble, but although he put down his body, and does not seem to be greedy and fearful of death, he counted six positions that he can do.

The other party has killed five people. There is always one post for him. If not, James also sent people to be stupid and will not stay alive.

In addition to Jack, James also brought two other pirate members to fill the vacancies on the ship. The vacancies on the ship have always been filled in. The team is not in the end. When people die, they have to fill it. This is inevitable.

(End of this chapter)

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