Chapter 2746, this one-time

The hostages were holding on to James’s trousers and pleading for mercy. James’s muzzle was on the man’s head. “One minute is coming, Captain, you are hesitating for too long.”

James fired.

The hostage fell in a pool of blood.

There was silence in the cabin, James, "Captain, wait another minute, how many more people I am, anyway, I have to eat a few more mouths recently."

"Right full rudder, go back."


"Right full rudder, go back."

"Yes!" The combat officer, "right full rudder, go all out."

James said, "This is right. I prefer a humane commander."

"Let the hostages." Lu Yuan said.

"That can't be done." James said, "This is my trump card, captain, remember, exit your radar monitoring range."

Lu Yuan looked at Lin Jingsheng. "His Royal Highness, we know that you are revengeful, but..."

"Auntie is inside." Lin Jingsheng said in a deep voice, he saw Chu Yu, he was dying in the innermost cage, but he recognized the watch on his wrist, he had a meteorite on the surface, the world A unique watch, and his eyes struggling to see the camera, although the fleshy face, but he still recognized, the aunt did not die, the aunt did not die, he was on the boat.

"His Royal Highness, you are sure that you are not mistaken."

"I'm pretty sure, I'm not mistaken, he is inside." Lin Jingsheng said quietly, but fortunately, he did not launch a third shell, or the cabin was flooded, and all the dying hostages would be drowned.


Auntie, you are still alive, thank goodness.

Lin Jingsheng almost cried.

However, when he thought of the murderous James, Lin Jingsheng had another cold sweat. James asked for a hostage life. When he whim, he will have other people's lives. He is indeed a murderous maniac.

Lu Yuan and Wesley looked at each other. Lu Yuan said, "There are more than 20 nautical miles on the nearest land. The rescuers are waiting there, and it is too late to fly to the rescue. We have been tempted by the rats, and this battle has become more difficult. ”

"Yes." Wesley said in a voice, no matter who the hostages are, they are all rodents. Even if Lin Jingsheng hates them, I don't know that Chu Yu can't rush to sacrifice so many people in the situation.

Xiao Qiao said, "Their submarines must be broken and need to be repaired."

"The problem is that we can't get close to them."

As soon as they get close to the submarine, they can detect that the radar reacts immediately. Whether it is underwater or on the water, they must be defeated by their shells. They have no ability to fight back, so there is no way to get close, just like an enemy ship can get close to a warship. same.

Lin Jingsheng's incomparable anxiety must find a way to save the Chu, and there are sure ways to save people, as long as they can save people.

Wesley said in a deep voice, "My brother is on the boat, Chu will not have anything."

The Elizabethan exited the radar surveillance range, and once it exited the radar surveillance range, the missile could not accurately aim. Ships at sea and hurricane pirates are far opposite.

The damage to the Hurricane was more serious, and Jack said faintly, "Repair takes at least five days."

"Such a long time?"

Jack said, "Yes!"

This is his greatest opportunity. It is also the only chance to save Mu Yuan. James looked at the sea with a telescope and saw that the Navy Elizabeth was not far from them. On the edge of radar monitoring, James sneered. "Send a pair of people to arrange the torpedo to trap them in the middle."


A motorboat was launched.

On the Elizabethan.

The combat officer, "the captain, the other party is arranging the torpedo."

Lu Yuan and Wesley both took the telescope and looked at the sea. They were setting up torpedoes. The power of torpedoes on warships was no different than that of shells. Wesley said, "I hate torpedoes the most."

"To each other."

As a captain, Lu Yuan hates torpedoes.

"Just let them arrange this?" Rhett asked.

"You can't turn your face." Wesley said that there are too many things they need in the submarine, and there are people they care about. There is really no way to do it. If you do it, the consequences are unimaginable. Lu Yuan does not want to anger James.

James said, "Send someone to repair the ship and fix the boat as soon as possible."


A pirate came over. "James, just wait, if they throw a bomb again?"

"They don't dare." James said that we were hostages of a ship, and they did not dare to act rashly.

"If they don't want to die?"

"No," James said. "When the US Navy Lieutenant Colonel is a Chinese, you can check it out. What is this Lu Yuan Lieutenant?"

"Checked, C. Navy Lieutenant Colonel, Captain of the Red Lion. This time, Major Wesley applied for international assistance and sent Lieutenant Colonel Lu Yuan to airborne."

“When the US Navy still needs to apply for international assistance, they are mostly experienced naval lieutenants and generals.”

"I don't know about this."

"No matter who they are, let them have no return, and quickly repair the submarine. They also dare to confront us with a warship. It is a minute to fight them."


Another pirate came over. "James, we have to replenish something and fuel."

"Go to the cargo ship just now."


James's submarine searched their spoils, searched for a long time, and drained the fuel of the cargo ship. Xiao Qiao and Lin Jingsheng looked at the ship together. "Don't worry, we will bring back Chu, Jack is on board, so he Nothing will happen."

Lin Jingsheng said, "I hope so."

For three days, the two warships were closely monitored by each other. Lu Yuan or Wei Si Li was able to wait. Nothing could be done. Lin Jingsheng could not sleep well. On the third day, Lu Yuan took the initiative to contact James. .

"James, let's talk about the conditions."

"You are not qualified to talk to me about conditions."

"Please understand your situation clearly. To put it bluntly, what is the relationship between the life and death of your shipman and us? Letting you kill innocent people will kill more people, sacrifice them, save more people, even if International condemnation is also a temporary matter. From ancient times to now, rescue always has to be clearly prioritized. In the past few days, we have confronted you. You should also find that your ship wants to get into the water. It takes a few days to work. If I want to bomb, It’s easy for you.”

"Luke Li Yuan, the US Navy has an international practice from ancient times to the present. I don't know if you heard about it?"

"please say."

"We never negotiated with terrorists." James and Wesley all said in unison.

Lu Yuan glanced at Wesley. "It's better to talk about it for a while, face to face, there is a small island nearby, James, what do you mean?"

(End of this chapter)

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