Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2754: Xiaoyuan, you are a blind man.

Chapter 2754 Xiao Yuan, you are a blind man

The Mu family were waiting for Mu Liang to bring Mu Yuan back, and the result...

Mu Yuan looked at the blue sky and white clouds with no expression. He was shot by the nurse, saying that it was anti-inflammatory. As a result, he woke up and the person was on the plane.

"Lieutenant Colonel Anderson, you are kidnapping!" Mu Yuan said faintly, fortunately, he had long guessed that Jack would not let him return to China, and he first said something to deal with Mu Liang, just in case.

It’s really...not a prophet.

He is angry and helpless. "Where are you going to take?"

"Are you not having a three-month rehabilitation holiday? I will take you to recover."

Mu far is dark, in fact, I have a six-month period of rehabilitating, and the night tomb has been given for another three months, nearly nine months of injury.

"I want to go back to China to recover."

"Go back to see your wife who can't remember the name?"

Mu Yuan, "..."

So, why did the family not tell him what his wife’s name is? It hurts him a lot. "I am missing your ass, I am missing, Shan Ning must return to the country, Lieutenant Colonel Anderson, coercing an officer, you know what the crime is, are you afraid of causing international problems?"

Jack smiled and approached him slightly. Mu Yuan was slamming and leaning back to avoid his touch. Jack looked at him with a smile. "Do you think I am coercing you?"

"Beauty plan... I am twenty-eight years old, not sixteen years old, no matter what." Mu looked at him with a blank expression, angered, "Let me away!"

Jack did not do much entanglement with him, Mu Yuan's state is very poor, can wake up to say a few words is already very reluctant, a little move is a heartbreaking pain. He was too lazy to care about Jack. Mu had a good night's sleep. When he woke up, his body still hurt so badly, but he saw Jack taking medicine at the side and his right hand shivering.

Seeing Mu Yuan’s eyes, Jack held the medicine bottle, “Vitamin.”

"Oh..." Such a big head, what vitamins!

On the plane, in addition to Mu Yuan, Jack, and two doctors, pilots, etc., he really did not know where Jack was going to get him, but he was safe.

It will never be his life!

"James... What do you want to do?" Jack covered the pill bottle, walked over, sat across from him, the air on the plane was a little big, and Jack took a blanket and covered it on Mu's legs.

Mu Yuan frowned in disgust. "What should I do? I will send it to the military court and sentence me to death. What else can I say?"

"He tortured you for so long, swallowing this breath?"

Mu Yuan smiled. "Why should I compare with one of the next three."

Jack is secret, well, you don't care, I will care about it, he will compare it with the next three, and Mu Yuan looks at him. "Those who died will need a fair judgment and send him to the court for a public trial. Ok, don't..."

Don't get dirty, it's not worth it.

Jack looked at him deeply. How many years have passed, even if Mu Yuan is now in a fast-paced year, he is still the same as the original boy, and his heart is unchanged and he is upright.

Like a little sun.

Jack lowered his eyes. If he thought about it, he couldn’t swallow this breath. Mu Yuan didn’t want to talk about the half a year. For him, it was not a pleasant memory.

Mu Muyuan wants to ask Jack, when did you get on board?

"Xiaoyuan, you and Shanning..."

"Take your brain hole."

"Sure enough, you still protect him as always."

Mu Yuan and Shan Ning have been neglecting for many years. He shouted that Shan Ning only wanted Jack to be jealous and not to openly raise things that caused international problems.

I didn't expect it to stop.

"I grew up with Shan Ning, two little guesses, I don't care for him, protect you?" Mu Yuan even knows the truth of the year, but also his heart and mind, read the grace of life, "He blocked the gun for me, After squatting through the mercenary battalion, he went to the desert to negotiate alone. After life and death, he saved me, I..."

I owe him a life.

Only, it is already.

"Xiaoyuan, you are a blind man." Jack reached out and patted him on his head. "Fortunately, I don't deny you."

(End of this chapter)

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