Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2787: Have we come back again? 2

Chapter 2787 Have we come back again? 2

"Small far... When I was on the boat, I asked you a word." Jack gasped, and he paused, calming his emotions and heartbeat, and his nose tipped gently against Mu’s nose. "We are coming back." How are you?"

In this world, not all missed, can be reunited for a long time, and some people will never meet again if they miss it once.

In this world, not all of them will reunite for a long time.

He does not want to miss Mu Yuan again.

Mu Yuan is silent. This situation is like Mu Yuan, who is seeking love when he was young. He chased his sweetheart, wrapped his sweetheart, and asked him to promise his life.

Jack, never allowed him to live his life.

At that time, Mu Yuan did not understand the difference between them, and did not know how many thorns they needed to cross their minds to open the moon. He did not hesitate to walk with his heart, and walked away, they dispersed. .

Twelve years, the person who refused to give him a lifetime, but in turn asked him to make a promise.

Mu Yuan is in a bad mood. "I thought that some things are well known to each other and they will not say anything."

He is good, Jack is good, they can't afford each other's promise.

Therefore, it is better to pretend to be stupid, to have passed, and to steal a day of joy, it is a day of joy, and fight for a long time.

Jack's tall and hard body, like the loss of support, like the duckweed floating in the wind, his eyes fainted in an inch, the ice blue eyes like a storm, and restored peace.

Mu Yuanxin is like a knife.

Jack glared at his nose, his nose was familiar to each other, and there was some smell of disinfectant water. Jack whispered, "I'm sorry, I crossed the border."

They are careful to maintain balance, maintain an illusion of love and obedience, are not willing to cross the border, puncture this layer of good, whether he is willing or not, Mu far hurt, after all, to return to the team.

He is powerless to stop.

"It doesn't matter, you are just sick." Mu Yuan said with a good understanding, "When you are sick, you will be sensible."

Jack opened his eyes and looked at him under his feet. Mu Yuan’s words were very heart-wrenching, but he couldn’t say a word of confession. Jack lay down, and there was a sense of powerlessness that could not be expressed.

"Well, I am ill, and when I am cured, I will be fine."

Mu Yuan slowly closed his eyes and listened to each other's breathing.

This is... very good.

Jack stayed up all night, and got up early. He used to go to sleep all night and couldn't sleep. He got up at four o'clock, and one person walked down the ground floor. This night turned over and thought a lot of things.

What he thinks is that there is no sound of Mu Yuan in the future.

The more you think, the more you feel flustered.

Jack held the window sill, his hands began to tremble, his headache was splitting, he slammed upstairs to find his own medicine, and began to take a lot of drugs, bursting into distracted tinnitus, and then slowed down.

When he went downstairs, the night mausoleum was holding a box of milk and drinking. The two nodded at each other and said hello. One is going to go out for a sport and intends to go back to sleep. The night mausoleum said, "Lieutenant Colonel Anderson, would you like to talk? ?"

"What are you talking about?"

The Night Mausoleum said faintly, "I have a history of mental illness for more than 20 years. I am an authority and have a say."

Jack glanced and refused to chat with him. "No need."

He went out, picked up the shoulder bag at the door and started running.

The night Mausolean thoughtfully returned to the room.

In addition to the night to sleep back to sleep, Xie Jingzhen is also five points

(End of this chapter)

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