Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2846: Little princess skirt

Chapter 2846 Little Princess Skirt

Skip the dance?

What dance? Mu looked at him incomprehensibly, while painting a robot with a smoky makeup, and took a collar to cover the button behind the robot's neck. Jack had to ask again, and Mu Yuan instructed to go out and buy a set of children's clothes. The little devil's skirt is too inconsistent with Loli.

Jack bought a bunch of princess dresses, a set of champagne, a set of white, a set of pink, an aesthetically savvy straight man, which dress is more fairy, what he would buy.

Mu Yuan looked at him silently, and Jack was confident. "The store introduced it."

It's easy to shave.



Mu far pulled the little devil skirt, and then he and Jack stunned.

"Rely, Xie Jingzhen is a big metamorphosis!"

The normal robot, there is no small jj, but this Loli robot has a small jj, or simulation, Mu far face is black, hurriedly take the skirt to cover, a kick Jack, "you are not allowed Look!"

Jack silently removed his gaze, and Xie Dagong once again refreshed his cognition.

Without morals, anything is possible!

For such a long time, I didn’t even reveal a little meaning. It’s can.

"Brother, you are shy." The robot started out in an untimely manner. It was violently murdered by Mu Yuan. The robot put on a small inner inside, put on a skirt, and turned into a little Lolly wearing a small princess of champagne. The sleeves are long. Also immortal, as well as lace, embroidered a few pearls on the chest, very elegant, Mu Yuan gave him a certain golden wavy hair.

A non-mainstream little loli became a soft and invincible girl under her dress. Except for a little makeup, everything is perfect.

"What is the difference?" Jack asked, changing from the devil's little princess dress to the little princess dress. By the way, the high heels became small white shoes, so that most of the time is very small and fresh.

"The makeup is changed, people can't see it. This is my face." Mu Yuan also put on false eyelashes for Xiao Loli, and the hair was slightly covered on the cheek. It really does not look like Mu Yuan, it is a soft one. Cute little girl.

“The makeup technology is amazing.” It’s changed.

"That is..." Mu said with a dark sigh. "Your friend will not be so embarrassed to open his skirt."

Will see a small jj, may not be misunderstood that they are abnormal.

"No!" Jack swears, "not as good as Xie Jing."

"That is!" Mu Yuan grinds his teeth, he is looking for a way to fight against the aunt, it is really a panic.

Xie Jingzhen, "Don't you have that long thing? How can we distinguish between men and women without this thing? We have to be realistic robots, realistic, know? If you are missing, I am going to count how many eyelashes you have."

Mu Yuan, "Which robot is also designed... Have you touched it?"

"I am sick, I will not touch myself?" Xie Jingqi blurted out.

Jack silently thought, "Is it not sick to touch myself?"

"Do you feel sick if you touch yourself?" Mu Yuan really had a heart and soul.

"Ha ha ha, what international jokes you have, your hands are gone, you have to be so sick when you are so big."

Mu Yuan thought for a moment, quite reasonable, Jack touched him on the top of his head, forget it, you can't win the fight, thank you, give up, this has been abused, he can't bear to look at it.

Mu Yuan is a bit confused.

(End of this chapter)

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