Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2884: Xie Dagongzi successfully married

Chapter 2884 Xie Dagongzi successfully married

Xie Jing’s family has a lawsuit. Anyone who knows him knows that he became the richest man in the world. He was the richest man in the world for two consecutive years, and Xie’s family was red-eyed.

He has been away from Xie’s family for so many years. He has always been sullen and has made a fortune, and his foundation is not in the country. He has never asked his family for a penny. Xie’s family thinks that the children on the side have been self-defeating and have long been worthless. People are transformed, so that you can't climb high, they regret the intestines, Xie Jing and even their parents are too lazy to see, not to mention the rest of the Xie family.

He occasionally thanked his family, mostly to pay homage to his grandmother and sister. These two were in the grave of Xie Jiazu. Xie Jingzhen went home every year and Qingming. In recent years, he was disgusted by the Xie family.

"Look, go back and play a show for you." Xie Jing said coldly, "My dad publicly brought his three illegitimate children to the house, and an illegitimate daughter. I also gave me a high opinion of genetics yesterday, hehe, It’s all family, you are brothers who want to support each other, ah, support, and help the poor!”

Mu Yuan endured the laughter. Xie Jingzhen was very concerned about the things his parents had treated him when he was young. Later he let go, but his sister’s business, he hated his direct life forever!

"Uncle and uncle know that you are disgusting, how can you bring people to your home?"

"It was blown up, and the main family said that I was developed. I have been holding him. I don’t even know the north and the south. This group of snobbery, their blood is really a shame of my life. I have been in the past few days. Looking at the Hong Kong drama, I was thinking about how the three princes cut the meat and returned to the mother, and the bones were returned to the father. If I had the immortal body, I would have followed suit."

He has nothing to give birth to, I will respect you for the rest of my life, repay the high sentiment of parenting, and be able to fulfill my obligations. Xie Jingzhen thinks that he is very great and has a broad mind.

His support obligation is to give his parents two thousand five per month in accordance with the minimum wage standard in Beijing, and to ruin them half!

"You really want to come back?"

"Go back!" Xie Jing's eyes were dark. "Looking at a group of illegitimate children, dirty my sister's place, not going back to clean them up, I really thought I was something."

He does not see children born out of wedlock.

Bringing natural malice to children born out of wedlock.

"Well, I will wait for you to come back and play a good show." Mu Yuan and Sunan City saw the habit of Xie's play, and occasionally they will be torn off, almost becoming a Qingming and a special day of entertainment.

In fact, Xie Jingzhen had a will, and if he had an accident, his property did not leave a penny to his parents. "I and Acheng decided to get a marriage certificate."

Xie Jingzhen left a big bomb without ringing, and it was just five minutes of negotiation.

"What are you doing?" Mu Yuan was shocked.

What are you talking about, brother?

This world is a bit of a fantasy!

"Marriage?" Mu Yuan's eyes almost came out.

People didn't catch up, how did you jump to the point of getting married?

"A city has no immigrants, how do you get married, who confess? The law does not recognize!" Mu Yuan really stunned, is the world crazy?

"I just had a good immigration last week. Now I am in the same country as your Lieutenant Colonel Jack. Thank you." After Xie Jingyi, we are the two family members.

"Xie Jingwei, you are crazy!" Mu Yuan stood up excitedly. "You changed your nationality for marriage?"


"The trough!!!" He already didn't know what adjectives to use, and then he reacted a little to change. Can they get a marriage certificate?

It is a marriage that is justified, and a reliable relationship recognized by law.

Ah ah ah ah ah! ! !

Mu Yuan has a deformation.

"Don't worry, thank you!" Xie Jingyi said with a smile. "Blessing is not necessary. You must not be sincere. Red envelopes will be bigger."

"A city must be awkward, why should you marry you?"

"He fell in love with my money." Xie Jingyan said with a deep face, "I changed my will. Originally, if I had an accident, all the property was handed over to the charity fund company. Last month I was thinking hard. I am not such a great person. My sentiment, why did I earn a lot of hard-earned money to a group of people I don’t know? So I changed my will. If I died unexpectedly, all the property was left to Acheng. Without a legal status, I would definitely make trouble to go back home. Even if Acheng succeeds in my will, I have a will, and I can’t stand it in the courtroom. Marriage is not the same. I can leave a glorious money to Xie’s family.”

Mu Yuan muttered to himself, "This is the most exquisite thing I have heard... scam marriage excuses."

"No! I don't." Xie Jing smirked. "Acheng just fell in love with my money. Everyone in this world loves money."


Dagongzi is married, you remember to send a monthly ticket to celebrate! !

(End of this chapter)

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