Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2887: Market value shrinks

Chapter 2887 Market value shrinks

The news is broadcasting a news of a super robot attacking others, and it has been raging. The three-day stock price of Sunny Technology has evaporated by 180 billion US dollars, equivalent to the absence of a Chinese bank.

Mu Yuan watched the news in front of the TV set and did the tablet support. He listened to Wall Street singing and smashing the technology. This incident came very suddenly and there was no warning. Only the world’s patents were applied by Yunyu Technology, and only the day before. Announced that there are research results on supercomputers. On the second day, there was an accident that Super Robot lost control on Wall Street and blew up a telephone booth, causing pedestrian injuries.

Xie Jingzhen held a press conference on the same day, denying the robot out of control, and pointed out that the robot is not a demonstration robot. On the same day, Haoyu Technology displayed 11 super robots in the exhibition hall.

Eleven super robots are intact, and the out-of-control robot is the twelfth robot.

In the face of the raging media demanding the release of the robot's review process, Xie Jingzhen refused on the spot. This incident is well known and has triggered a resistance to super robot heat flow around the world.

"What about your school, Lieutenant Colonel Jack?" Xie Jing asked.

"He is out of the task, not at home." Mu Yuan told the truth that Jack had left a week, one day more than the scheduled time. He had just told him about half an hour yesterday and had three days to come back.

"What does this have to do with Jack?" Mu Yuan asked. "Is his hands and feet?"

"How come you are so sensitive, I asked him to ask the rest of the matter." Xie Jingzhen was in a bad mood, he had to do a happy event, give him such a come out.

It’s okay to listen to Jack, and Mu Yuan is relieved.

The robot that happened was really not the technology of Muyu. Mu Yuan received the SMS notification from Xie Jingzhen on the first day.

Most of the opponents came out and mixed into the demonstration hall, deliberately causing confusion and preventing the super robot from coming out. There are too many anti-robots in the world.

Opponents believe that human beings are always the dominant players in society and should not be controlled and controlled by robots. Supercomputers are very dangerous. If they are out of control, they will be countered, which will affect global security.

And once these super robots appear, there will be a wave of squatting in the world. Many jobs are qualified by robots. The living space of human beings will be squeezed and will be countered by robots in the future.

"Do you know what mission he has gone to?" Xie Jingyu suddenly asked.

Mu Yuan shook his head. "I didn't ask, this is a business, not what I can ask."

"In case this matter is related to him, can you break up?"

Mu Yuan, "When you are getting married, I am looking forward to breaking up, right?"

Xie Jing was cold and calm, and looked at Mu Yuan. "Xiaoyuan, do you know how much money you have lost these days?"

Mu Yuan, "..."

Xie Jingwei, "Your value is a step worse than Lieutenant Colonel Jack."

Mu Yuan, "..."

Xie Jingwei, "It is hopeless to support him."

Mu Yuan, "Get out of the way, why don't you check the robot explosion and come to me for fun."

"How to check, just got the news, this thing is officially done, forcing me to establish strategic cooperation with them, the outsourcing contract has been lost." Xie Jing's eyes are gloomy, although this technology is finally to the official.

After all, with their recognition, Haoyu can establish global communications, technical service back-office and technical services in various countries around the world, can be forced by people, he is very upset.

(End of this chapter)

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