Chapter 864 Spicy Eyes

The last time she brought a child's picture, the aroma was very strong. The aroma was lighter in the past few days, and today it is even lighter. I don't know why.

Erye said, "This batch of water lily, the aroma of the evening should be richer, and it will be lighter during the day. Moreover, we are used to it, and we can’t smell it for a while. If you like it, I will teach you how to cultivate it. It can also be nurtured, but it takes a little trouble."

Shen Qianshu said, "I will do it. I am usually busy, I have to draw pictures, I have to look at the materials, I have to hold meetings, training, and I have such leisure and patience as my father."

A few people are talking, and thanks slowly.

"Two brothers..."

Gu Yuanli nodded faintly. He sat down and had a lot of troubles. The five brothers asked, "Is Xiaoliu giving you a look?"

"No." Gu Yuanli shook his head.

Recently, he has always had a lot of thoughts.

Yang Bo’s business, Gu Erye did not intend to let too many people know that Gu Yuanli thought so. The four brothers and the five brothers did not know the reason. Gu Yuanli asked, “Small sapling, do you have a festival with Yang Bo?”

"Yes." Shen Qianshu said, "It's too obvious."

She is so jealous of Yang Bo, the idiot knows that she and Yang Bo have personal grievances.

"what happened?"

Lin Xiaojuan and Yang Bo’s affairs, Shen Qianshu did not intend to say that this incident was not very good for Lin Xiaojuan in the premise of Gu’s father and brother. Shen Qianshu said, “There were some festivals a few years ago. I am stingy and more vengeful, let alone Jingyi and I don't deal with it."

Gu Yuanli’s words and stops, Shen Qianshu’s thoughts are transparent. “What’s wrong, can’t I provoke Yang Bo? Is there any handle in the ghost city that falls in the hands of Yang Bo?”

"No." Gu Yuanli smiled. "Just casually, everything is behind us. You shouldn't be able to take him. He can't take you, he will be disgusting and disgusting."

The mayor of Yang Bo, this session is a nail on the board, but it will not be so easy in the next session.

Gu Erye said, "Yang Bo has a promising future. When he was in his early fifties, he became the mayor of A city. After grinding for a few more years, he will definitely go to the center. Now this kind of thing is happening. It is also the peach news, his career. The impact will be very large, he will definitely be silent for a few years, although he can't change the ending, but his promotion process is not so smooth."

"Then my purpose has been reached." Shen Qianshu said, "I know why I can't help him, I can let him fall, and I am happy too."

The four brothers laughed. "When you are at the night, you don't have such hard air."

"What? Super bully is good!" Shen Qianshu stood upright.

Children's paintings not far away, "Oh!"

Everyone, "..."

Shen Qianshu’s children’s paintings, little angels, can’t be broken.

"Night Mausoleum is not really a good companion." The fourth brother said that he would not spare no effort to persuade points. "Our little saplings are beautiful and beautiful, and the family is proud to match a better man."

"If you are not handsome, you should not introduce it." Tonghua said, squatting over, defending the sovereignty of the night tomb, blushing, clenching, threatening, "I am not allowed to find me."

He looked so cute, and the fourth brother couldn't help but pinch his face. "I see you have been jealous of him, so I like him?"

"Who said that I like him!" Tong painted the mouth to be upright, "I am very pleasing to the eye, if it is the same as Mommy's ex-boyfriend, how hot eyes."

Shen Qianshu, "..."

(End of this chapter)

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