Chapter 884 Domineering

Black Rose laughed, mad and vicious, "because I sent them the last trip."

It was an unsolved case, and for many years, the people of the night house were tacitly aware that it was made by the Night Mausoleum. Fortunately, his two younger brothers did not agree.

Black Rose said, "The last order that Anfeier left for Hei Weiwei is that if she dies, she will send her night fever to accompany her, and the person who executes the order is me."

"After the death of Anfei, night inflammation has no desire to survive, and I will work hard to survive, perhaps for your brothers. I lied to him at the time, saying that Anfei is still alive. If not, Anfei will not die. I want him to die, who knows, he asked me to bring a word to Anfei."

He said, "Go back and tell Anfei, I don't hate her. I love her in this life. I have no regrets and hope to see each other."

The night tomb face changed slightly.

The bell burning also feels weird, this is... the yin is wrong.

what happened?

Black Rose said, "The tragedy of your parents is caused by your mother. Oh, no, it should be said that she is caused by another. There are two people in her body. This inheritance has given you. Your father used to She did a lot of things, left her, abandoned her, for her good, she was obsessed with it, and finally brewed this tragedy."

The night mason hangs down slightly.

Black Rose said, "You know why there are two heirs. I chose Shen Qianshu, I don't choose you, because you are not controlled, the night mausoleum, you are the same as Anfei, uncontrollable. Both Anfei, love Night inflammation, however, a personality is very subtle, and willing to fulfill, let go of his freedom, a personality loves warmly, rather than jade can not be complete. We can not control her second personality, just like your second personality, I saw your second personality at the auction, and I knew that no one could control you."

The night mausoleum slowly raised his head, and the amber eyes were calm and indifferent, and the truth of his parents’ death seemed to be indifferent to him.

"Black Rose, can I give you a third choice?" He stood on the back of the bustling city, a cold, and the sinister light could not enter the cold back, giving people a suffocating tension.

Black Rose sneered, "You don't dare to move me."

"First, I exchanged with Shen Qianshu. You gave me the remote control. I am your beggar. Second, I want you to die!" The look of the night tomb reveals endless cold. "I am tired of playing hide and seek with you." ""

"You are willing to let Shen Qianshu die?"

"It’s better to let her be delayed by you, and tormented it every day. Of course, you, Rose Gate, will all be buried with her, I am going to the night, and I will do it!"

Black Rose took a step back.

"You dare, idiots say dreams!"

"Black Rose, you really don't know anything about me. I have always been a promise of the night, and I have never said anything." The night to reach out, the bell ignited a silver gun in his hand.

The black roses of the girls, have turned their guns, facing the night tomb.

The night tomb raises his hand, squats, aiming, and in one go.

"I will give you ten seconds!"





With his unhurried voice, the atmosphere of the scene is like a tight string, at the touch of a hair.

The black rose's breath sank.

He does not believe that the night tomb really dare to do it!




A bullet that penetrated the air...


In the second day, I have to go to my grandmother's house. I have to come back at night. The old computer's 2 keys are bad, typing is very slow, so it is not necessarily more than six. Continue to leave, I will write more and less \\(^ o^)/~.

(End of this chapter)

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