Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 944: Sir, let me bathe you.

Mr. 944, I will give you a bath.

Shen Qianshu hesitated for a moment, reaching out and touching his face, and heard that the face of the beast could not be touched.

Sure enough, she just hit, Noah slaps down and hits.

"Not allowed to touch me."

"Is still angry?" Shen Qianshu was helpless. "Just my father and brother came to see me, Dad and brother, do you know?"

Noah angered his head.


"Yes, the daughter who was thrown out of the water, so it is yours, but I am still not married to you." Shen Qianshu shines, Mr. has never wanted to get married, I don’t know if Noah is the same idea as Mr. Noah, are you going to marry me?"

Her eyes sparkled and she fell, and Noah sat on the carpet and looked at her.

Shake your head!

Shen Qianshu, "Why?"

Noah doesn't talk, as if she doesn't know what marriage is. Shen Qianshu takes a deep breath. "Marriage is that I marry you. Of course, you can marry me. We don't separate for life, okay?"

Noah madly nodded.

"So... marry?"

Noah shook his head.

Shen Qianshu, "Oh, you don't love me."

Noah was angry and roaring, her hands were dancing, and the chains were screaming, vividly showing that I was angry.

"You are hungry, I am going to eat it for you." Shen Qianshu said, "You don't worry, wait for me for five minutes."

She put an alarm clock on the side.

Noah stared at her, her tall body sat on the carpet, her back against the bed, and looked like she was hurt. Shen Qianshu was very distressed. She went downstairs and the chef brought the plate over. come.

"Miss Shen, you must try your best to let the big and the young fall asleep." Bo Yi people worried, "This time Noah woke up too long, the situation is unclear, very tricky, I don't know what happened, I am afraid of the big return Not coming."

"I know." Shen Qianshu did not hesitate, but he was very distressed. "The sleeping pills are in the food."

"The sleeping pills are of no use to the big and the young." Bo Yi said, "His body is highly resistant, and many drugs are useless. You must let him fall asleep, no matter what method."

"Good!" Shen Qianshu took a deep breath. "I try to try."

Shen Qianshu stepped on the tipping point of five minutes and came over with the plate.

They are all quite heavy.

His hand was hurt, Shen Qianshu fed him bit by bit, Noah looked at the special cockroach, did not make trouble, did not growl, just stared at her, looked a little infiltrated, Shen Qianshu asked, "Noah, you Sleepy?"

Noah shook his head.

Shen Qianshu slowly fed him. "You are so dirty, have a meal, take a bath, will you take a shower?"

Noah shook his head.

Shen Qianshu thought, "I have eaten the meal, I will untie the handcuffs for you, you have to be jealous, I will give you a bath."

Noah nodded.

Shen Qianshu thought of a very sad question. Did she bathe her? It seems to be a super shameful thing, such a big body, she came to take a bath, it seems that it is not appropriate, "I think ... the clock is burning to give you a bath."

Noah looked fierce and married her.

"Good, good, good, I will wash you." Shen Qianshu touched the chain and said with a headache. "Then you have to make sure that you are very embarrassed, don't beat people, okay? Otherwise I can't let you go."

"Good!" Noah agreed happily.

When the clock burns, the hair will blow up. "What, take a shower, untie the handcuffs? Miss Shen, are you not teasing me? This is very dangerous."

"No, the former husband was sick, don't you give him a bath? He is **** and sweaty."

"Don't wash, who dares?"


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