Chapter 949 A big pit

Shen Qianshu holds Noah and gently calms his anger.

Suddenly, she passed a very untimely thought. Noah didn’t understand anything, and she didn’t know anything. How did he know to force her? Is a man's talent different? Zhong Burning said that he was ill, because the two personalities competed for the body together, and the second personality itself was particularly strong in violence and destruction.

Everything is a mess.

Destructive desire is really strong.

At this time, when I meet someone, I am absolutely going to kill.

Why didn't she kill her.

Instead, ... strong her?

"Noah, actually, there is a problem, I don't know if I should ask if I should..." Shen Qianshu licked his lips, a little shame, this happened, and it was actually nothing to ask, it was not a knot for her.

If there is still a little bit of mustard, after contact with Noah, it is really gone.

I also really realized that my husband is ill.

So, she can forgive what she does.

The problem is coming.

How did he know to do this?

Can it be said that when noah is violent, is the husband awake?

Whatever they do, they are all one?

Lying in a big slot! ! !

I always feel that I can't get the truth.

Forget it, don't ask.

When the gentleman heard that it was going to explode, she couldn’t control noah.

Shen Qianshu calmed Noah for a moment, got up and simply rushed himself over and replaced the clean long skirt. "Noah, come out, we took a shower."


So fast?

Shen Qianshu said, "Yes, it’s been too long, you will catch cold."

She must find an opportunity to ask, Mr. will not answer her, she uses her toes to know that noah is so honest, she will tell the truth, she also wants to know what they are all about.

This is not like a dual personality in the strict sense.

True dual personality, memory is not interoperable, let alone communicate.

It is simply an anti-science incident.

Noah stood up and was very upset. "You will wash my hair."

Did not wash the body.

Shen Qianshu took a burst of lotus head and slammed him, and said with a smile, "Cash now."

An operation was as fierce as a tiger, and he was washed away in a moment. Shen Qianshu pulled a bath towel, wiped his figure and wiped it clean, and quickly put on a casual suit. Noah was not happy, Shen Qianshu said, "Washing It’s a shower, it’s fragrant.”

Zhongyan and Bo Yiren and others have already left the door. They all think it is a miracle. Absolute miracle. Bo Yi said, "Large and small... it doesn't seem like a double personality. It's too strange."

In the course of treatment, the Night Mausoleum never revealed the existence of the second personality.

Really... I have never been treated for a few years.

But this time the second person came out, but unexpectedly revealed a message that they have always coexisted.

Why didn't you say big or small?

Thin people are dying.

Hurriedly took Shen Qianshu, "Miss Shen, you must ask clearly, definitely!"

"You can rest assured, I must ask clearly." She is also quite strange. If the two people have always coexisted, it is even worse for treatment. The direction of treatment has been wrong. So, is the number of deliberate?

The servant just changed the sheets of quilt cover, Shen Qianshu and Bo Yi people talked at the door, did not leave the line of sight, Noah looked very quiet, suddenly frowned, angry, "Get out!"

Zhong Burning said, "How do I feel that the big and the young are teaching badah to do bad things?"

Shen Qianshu, "..."

Sorry, I think so too.

(End of this chapter)

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