Chapter 951 has a sniper

Shen Qianshu looked at Noah's little proud expression, and he couldn't smile. If his eyes were not so red, it didn't look so distorted. Then he showed a sweet smile, which was just a big thing.

They are all resisting the second personality.

Because every time he comes out, he is destroying, killing, and hurting others.

No one told them that the second personality is actually a grievance, a violent child. His heart is still not mature, stubborn and sensitive. As long as he is well guided, it will not cause any harm to the earth. .

"Noah is awesome." Shen Qianshu cocked his thumb and praised him. He smiled slightly. "Your force is really high, the wound is bleeding, and it hurts?"

"No pain."

Thin Yi is a little anxious, "Miss Shen, ask him about the big and small things."

Don't leave the subject open.

Shen Qianshu licked his face, coughed twice, and asked with a smile. "Noah, when the night mausoleum is awake, will you wake up?"

"No." Noah was very angry. "He is bad, I am not allowed to come out."

He thought for a moment, "Occasionally, it will let me out."

Shen Qianshu asked, "When?"

Noah thought for a moment. "When drawing pictures, our consciousness is the same. He uses my consciousness to draw pictures."

“What picture to draw?” Shen Qianshu is stunned.

Noah’s breathing suddenly became heavy, and he punched his head and snarled. “Go away, walk away, hurt, ah...”

Shen Qianshu was anxious to get angry and hurriedly held his hand. "Noah, nothing, nothing, don't be angry."

Noah asked her with red eyes. "Why do you want to ask him about things, do you like him, don't like me."

"No!" Shen Qianshu is very poor, I just listen to the doctor.

However, she did not know how to explain.

She loves the night tomb.

But she pity Noah, originally, she felt that she would hate Noah. The relationship between these days has changed her mood. This unfortunate child was not intentional. He was helpless than anyone else. He and the night tomb. Just as lovable.

She also likes Noah.


The two feelings are different.

It is difficult to explain.

Noah didn't understand. He heard her rebuttal and believed it. She was very happy. "I don't want to talk about him."

"Okay, don't talk."

Thin people rely on people to make records, some anxious, and want to say something, Zhong Zhuo pulls her, "depending on people, the most important thing is his feelings, no hurry."

"Our research direction is wrong. Big and small have been deliberately misleading us. I want to know what it is and I can heal him as soon as possible." Bo Yiren said that Shen Qianshu also wants to know what is going on, and he is more concerned about Noah's feelings.

Shen Qianshu said, "According to people, come to Japan, come here today."

"Good." Thin people sigh, can only nod.

Shen Qianshu touched Noah's hair. "Noah, it's not early, we are sleeping well, I am with you."

"No!" Noah refused.


A sniper bullet penetrated the night and flew to the Fortress. The bullets just entered the protective ring, and the entire castle sounded a sharp alarm. Almost every moment the alarm sounded, all the security personnel stumbled at the same time. , change your position.

The sniper bullet was aimed at a security heart. Due to the siren, he finally hit his shoulder. A bullet fired him out and fell to the ground. The intercom in his hand flew a few meters away. He screamed. As soon as I slammed the wound, I climbed forward and grabbed the intercom.

"Everyone notices that there are snipers."

“Repeat, everyone notices, there are snipers.”



One in the morning!

The new month begins. This month, the 17th - 19th will update about 100,000 words, and in March, it will be updated to 300,000 words. Therefore, I want to ask the little fairies in the hands of the bottom of the month, I want to start with the disease, and ask for a monthly ticket reward, refill!

(End of this chapter)

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