Chapter 956 Tiger and Wolf Generation

One uniform, two bars and one star, it doesn't look like a big age, but it is already a major military school.

The police officers did not dare to dismiss them in front of a major. Mu Yuan looked at them coldly and coldly. He followed several special forces and loaded with live ammunition. At first glance, he was the regular bureau and the Civil Police Self-Defense Force. The police’s standing posture was neither. the same.

The police officer, who was armed with illegal armed forces, had a cold back.

This night's night attack actually alerted the army?

what's going on?

Did he marry the horse cell.

Mu Yuan’s eyes were very cold, and the sheriff was swept. The sheriff stood up in front of the major who was younger than him. He stood up in a constrained position and shouted in his heart. He dared not yell again. Mu far said indifferently. All the wounded were taken to the hospital. Police officer, which area?"

"In the middle of the Tang Dynasty."

"Zhongtang District is 18 kilometers away from here. You are coming soon." Mu Yuan said faintly, "The police officers in this area did not come, how come you are here."

"Major, we received a secret report, and some people exchanged fire here, just in case they came right away."

"A message that you still don't quite understand, are you coming to an integrated team?" Mu Yuan's tone everyone can hear ridicule, "Great!"

The police officer was like a dish, and Mu far snorted and took his own documents. "The special situation, the case is under our control, and the people who take you are rolling!"

"The major, such a big thing, how to go to the special situation management, the domestic civilians armed with guns, this spread out, the people around here will be uneasy, this matter must be thoroughly investigated, our police are obliged, this is also our The police case."

Mu far glanced at him indifferently. "This is a national secret. If you want to know, then climb up. The authority is high enough. Can you understand?"

This ridicule, the sheriff's face is blue.

Mu Yuanli gave a cry, "clear the field!"


The special forces under his hand were lined up. "In addition to medical personnel, unrelated personnel can quickly leave the scene without any mistakes."

This is obviously a trap, waiting for the night tomb, Mu Yuan will not understand.

Fortunately, Roeburg is really not illegally armed.

All are legal.

Mu Yuan said, "There is such a big thing happening today. The Internet will definitely report and inform the various departments. If any server sends out a little bit of noise, their company will not have to open, whether it is a multinational company or a small media."


A large-scale explosion and gun battle took place in the suburbs.

Finally, it was changed in the name of the exercise.

There is not a little bit of noise on the Internet.

Some unknown people who were eating melons heard gunshots. I didn’t expect to be an exercise. I didn’t dare to say the truth, I was afraid that I would lose my black hat.

The Roewe Fortress was destroyed more than half, which is a fact that can't be covered.

All outside the martial law.

The wounded were sent to the hospital at the first time.

Including children's drawings.

Gu Erye and Gu’s brothers came for the first time.

The night mausoleum is still not awake, the medical team is ambulance, but fortunately it is not poisonous, but the medicine that can make the night mausolet faint in the past, the medicine can be awake after waking up, Gu Yuanli's face is iron-green, holding his fist, avoiding the crowd, giving the black rose Call, "What do you want to do, put a small sapling."

"Son, goodbye!"

Gu Yuanli’s anger is unstoppable. “You really don’t see the coffin without tears, so I’m sure I can’t say anything?”

"You want to lose your home, just what I want." Black Rose said faintly, "The next thing, you don't have to worry about it."


The new month began, asking for the monthly votes in the hands of the little fairies. This month's update is very good! The next episode is not abused at all, please feel free to eat, ask for a monthly ticket reward! !

(End of this chapter)

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