Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 958: New copy is on

Chapter 958 New copy opens

Lu Mengxi hung up the phone and looked at the night, revealing a meaningful smile. She had achieved her goal. What happened next would not matter her. "Sweep our traces, don't let people notice. come out."

"I understand, you can rest assured."

Xie Jingzhen is monitoring the room, a monitor said, "The satellite is online."

"Come on, don't be afraid to waste resources. Every ship must find the corresponding shipping company, number, crew, etc. All information must correspond to the customs. If there is something wrong, the vessel will notify me immediately."


Xie Jing is not in the country, but he is responsible for security and information. He has a tougher means of overseas than the domestic special situation bureau.

On board.

Tonight's wind and waves are particularly large, the sea is rising, the hull is extremely bumpy, Shen Qianshu wakes up in a bump, and people are locked in a small boat cabin. She can judge that she is not on land when listening to the sound of the waves.

The body is in pain.

She got out of bed and patted the door. A non-mainstream girl suddenly opened the door and almost hit her. The girl chewed the chewing gum. It seemed to be a good show. "Wake up? Big beauty, is there any discomfort?"

Shen Qianshu retired a few steps, the lights in the cabin were dim, the girl's face was not clear, Shen Qianshu took a deep breath, "I want to see the black rose."

"follow me!"

On the ship, Shen Qianshu was difficult to fly. Even if she jumped into the sea, it was estimated that the agent on the boat would jump and catch her body. She did not struggle without fear. The black rose was also relieved and did not copy her.

Monica took her upstairs, Black Rose was on the podium, and several girls were separated. Shen Qianshu calculated the strength of both the enemy and the enemy. It was too disparate and could only wait and see.

"Whether I want it or not, I will fall into your hands." Shen Qianshu looked at the black rose in a big way. "You won."

Black Rose said, "I said, what you do is just a fearless struggle."

"No, you win, it's just luck." Shen Qianshu smiled. "Of course, luck is also part of strength."

She believes that the night mausoleum has already put all the arrangements in place, only some important steps, but no one expected, his illness prematurely attacked, and Bo Yi said that the night mausoleum was discontinued, she guessed that the night mausoleum was In order to deal with the black rose, Noah was released.

Noah said he needs it.

Confirmed her guess.

But her scandal, the buzz on the Internet, accelerated his condition and made him lose control. He developed the disease early, which became the breakthrough point of the black rose.

Black Rose smiled. "It's time to talk to me."

"Before talking about cooperation, I have a problem and there is a request."

"Please say."

"Night Mausoleum promised you what you asked at the beginning, did you let me go, let him replace me as your beggar."


"You agree."


"You also promised him to take out the bomb in my body, but you lied to him."


Shen Qianshu smiled. "It is not difficult to guess."

"The question you asked, ask?" Black Rose unexpectedly good temper.

Shen Qianshu smiled. "It's very simple. If you want me to be your embarrassment, then take your sincerity and take out the bullets in my body. I believe that Rosetta's medical technology can take out the bullets in my body."

She paused. "If you refuse, go to the high seas, you will throw me down to feed the sharks, so as not to waste effort."


Open a new copy, ask for a monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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