Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 965: He is the original sin

Chapter 965, he is the original sin

Gu Xie looked up and looked at Gu Yuanli. Deep inside, like being hit by something, he didn't know how to look at the second brother in front of him. The second brother was too strange, not like his impression.

"I already knew that Thousand Trees is the mother's child. I can't say it because I know that she will take the saplings and treat the saplings as cockroaches, so I would rather take the saplings secretly. I just didn't think she would find out. "Gu Xie said, "I didn't protect her, I didn't protect my children's paintings, and children's pictures were not my idea."

Night Mausoleum said, "Is that an accident?"

Gu Yuanli said, "The batch of water lily will be applied once every week. After applying the medicine, the aroma will be extraordinarily rich, because I doubt it, so I can detect this is different. Dad and you have been here for a long time. Under the aroma, I didn’t notice it. This kind of aroma did not harm the normal people. The day when the child’s painting was sick was just the first day of application. It may be an accident.”

"I don't know that the children's painting is your son. I thought it was the child of Dr. Yang."

So things seem to have got an explanation.

Gu Xie put his hand in his hair.

The pain is endless.

He knows everything, and the second brother knows everything, but he has helped him for so many years.

"I am anxious to develop the strength of the ghost town. I think that the black rose is a snake. I hope that one day I will have enough strength to compete with her. I... I have no intention of hurting the saplings and children's paintings."

The only person he hurts is the square red sleeves that have been lying in bed for many years.

In the room, there was silence.

This fact is too heavy for the fourth brother, the fifth brother, and Gu Xie.

The truth has always been in front of them, but they have ignored it.

This is too cruel.

Gu Xie’s eyes were red, and a fist hit the wall. Gu Yuanli was full of pain, but he was relieved. He finally said it. It’s not as difficult as imagined. It seems to be a little better.

The fourth brother said, "The death of Big Brother and the third brother... Is it related to you?"

“No!” Gu Yuanli said, “I am in your eyes, is this so mad person?”

The four brothers asked and regretted, and should not ask.

This kind of question is too embarrassing.

Yuling said, "You can be the original sin. Black Rose wants to retaliate against the ghost town. You know in your heart, but you didn't say it. You know everything but don't show the police. If you talk to the second master earlier, many tragedies can be avoided."

"How do I say? I made a huge mistake when I was young. When I look back, I can't remedy it. I want to say, I want to say when I dream, but I said, she will..." Gu Yuanli’s voice shrank. "I hope so much, my biological mother, I really died that year."

The fourth brother said, "Second brother, we are a family. You said it earlier. Mom may wake up earlier, and my father will forgive you. Our family is facing you. It’s better than watching your big brother and third brother die. ""

The five brothers also nodded. When they were young, they were rebellious and inferior. They were easy to walk the road and were misled by others. They did make mistakes.

Do something wrong, just change it.

The fear is that if you make a mistake, you can't look back.

Everyone is very heavy in their hearts, like a mountain.

Gu Xie said, "You... you are too much."

In addition to this sentence, he seems to find no other words.

Gu Xie’s voice is dumb.

(End of this chapter)

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