Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 970: Unspoken boss

Chapter 970 is a dissatisfied boss

There is nothing wrong with Shen Qianshu.

Yang Lihua said, "So, I will not help you escape, but if you can win, become the doorkeeper, I will help you to stand firm in the black rose, I will be your person, Qianshu, you are not willing to gamble Put, are you willing... have been bullied by the black rose?"

No one wants to be coerced, no one!

Shen Qianshu is naturally unwilling, and the heart must also admit that Yang Lihua said her heart.

After Yang Lihua left, Shen Qianshu had some flaws, and some people couldn’t say that they couldn’t get up, and they fell asleep in confusion.

Monica practiced a gun on the field.

Moses approached and lost a fruit to her. "You dress up, it's too eye-catching."

"Quiet me?" Monica said. "It was such an ugly thing that she was this kind of dress."

She is very dissatisfied with the color of her hair.

Mosi said, "It's quite good, the soil is yellow, and it's still bleaching the bangs."

"Not in line with my aesthetic."

"It's rare." Mosi sat down and took a bite of the fruit. "Would you like me to dye a green hair for you?"

Monica’s eyes lit up, “Is it ok?”

"Why are you so attached to a green hair?"

"good looking."


"The aesthetic is different and it doesn't matter."

"Break up?"

"No!" Monica fired a shot. Her shot was very accurate. She was in the middle of the heart. She licked her head. "How is she?"

"Asleep," Mosi said. "Perseverance is good."

"After all, it is a woman in the night mausoleum." Monica said, "Yang Lihua didn't have anything to put on the machine?"

“No,” Mosi said. “I stared at the surgery all the time.”

"Do you send a message to the major?"

"Gone a ghost, the signal will be sent out and you will know that there is a traitor. I haven't found a ghost. I don't want to expose it." Monica sucked her nose. "We are a major, what is your identity? You guess, will it be? Wesley?"

"If it is Wesley, why not directly identify?"

"Good question!" Monica slammed her head. "When you want to listen to him, I don't know if it is a ghost or an annoyance."

"You don't have time to earn extra money."

"Oh, I really don't want to be a sniper, so I have to waste money. I have to buy some equipment myself. It is really expensive to raise a big cock. Oh, I am so beautiful and beautiful, every day for money, God is not long-eyed, no giving. Give me a brother of a multinational group president."

Mosi can not help but, "Okay, I am leaving."

Monica nodded and bit the fruit, "Be careful."

Moses bowed his head and said, "You don't have to take it off."

"Who am I, the invincible beauty girl in the world, how can I play off."

Monica continued to practice the gun. Mosi returned to the medical room. In the middle, she met a special agent. She nodded and said hello. She did not say much. The black rose is leaning upstairs and looking at the sea. West silent for a moment, went upstairs.

"Shen Qianshu fell asleep."

The black rose nodded, her eyes slightly draped, the black gauze covered her appearance, and also covered her look, Mo Xi stood quietly, "You and Monica also want to participate in the selection of the door, I see you on the list."


Black Rose, "Why are you going to be stubborn, you and Monica are my right hand."

"We are your right hand, so we have to help you complete your wish." Mosi said, "In the selection, I and Monica escorted, she will get to the last level."

(End of this chapter)

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