Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 980: Major, you are very rippling.

Chapter 980 Major, you are very rippling.

The doctor can't guarantee that the square red sleeve will be awake.

This is so, the second master has been very moved.

The news of the black rose disappeared very cleanly around the world. The organization was originally mysterious. When all the information was erased, the hands and feet were very clean. Xie Jing’s maritime tracking was finally lost.

Gu Yuanli put his hope on Fang Hongshou.

Fang Hong sleeves are awake, and everything will be solved.


The repair of the Fort Lauder, although a mess, but orderly, thin Yi people to evaluate the night tomb, but was rejected by the night tomb, he did not cooperate, "waiting Shen Qianshu back, and then do the assessment, I will cooperate with the time. You are treated."

Bo Yi said, "You are hiding us, you have never told us that you and Noah can exist at the same time, why?"

"I don't want to say it." Yuling said, "I don't want to be shut down again, like a madman, can't escape."

Thinly, people are stunned. "You promised to cooperate with the treatment. We are just obeying orders. If you don't want to, we will not be reluctant."

"Don't say it." The night mausoleum went its own way. "When the incident comes to an end, there is no benefit in treatment today, and I have no intention of treating it."

“Large and young!”

"Don't say it!" The night mausole suddenly screamed. "I don't lose my temper. You all have no temper, are you?"

Thin Yi people silently took a step back.

Don't dare!

In the middle of the night, the night mausoleum had a nightmare, dreaming that a group of hungry wolves were chasing Shen Qianshu. She ran and ran. There was a fog in front of her eyes, and the fog was lingering. Shen Qianshu ran too fast and stepped into the abyss. Constantly falling into the abyss.

She shouted a name in horror, "noah!"

The night mausole suddenly woke up, a cold sweat, twitching with his hands and feet, and suddenly, "grass!"

In the ear, it is the ringing of the mobile phone, which sounds like a reminder.

Xie Jingzhen calls.

The night mausoleum came over and said, "Say!"

"I found a very strange place. Three years ago, I traced a small team and lost my way at sea. The other party and the pirates were all lost in the ocean and disappeared. According to the information provided by Gu Yuanli, there is a coordinate. And the coordinates I tracked in the past are very close, are you interested in taking a walk in person?"

The night mausoleum got up and took out the coat from the closet and put it on.


Xie Jingxi said, "Go to Shasha Island first, and I will start soon."

"it is good!"

The night mausoleum went downstairs and called Mu Yuan. "Let your people prepare to leave, go to the airport within fifteen minutes, we have to go."

"it is good!"

In the middle of the night, Mu Yuan did not talk much, packed up things, called the soldiers under the hands, and set off for the airport.

Halfway, I received a call from Jack.

"Do you want to cooperate with the night mausoleum to rescue Shen Qianshu?" Jack's voice sounded very tight.

"Yes, this is the order."

"I am very surprised, what is the identity of the night tomb, and the order?" Jack asked.

"Oh, this country is very secret, it is inconvenient to disclose." Mu Yuan scratched his head. "I have something to look for, the holiday is gone, wait for my mission to end."

Jack said, "The phone keeps communicating, I will inform you immediately if there is any news."

"What news do you have?"

"This is a big secret in China." Jack smiled. "It is inconvenient to disclose."

Mu Yuan, "Rare, get out!"

Hang up the phone.

The special forces watched him intently.

Mu Yuan Li drink, "Look at what!"

"Major, who, what?"

"What a ghost is a man, obviously a man's voice, I heard it."

"The major said the phone was very rippling."


Mu Yuan, "Shut up!"

Rip your head, smash it!

The two teams were at the small airport round. There were already planes waiting for the scene. A group of special forces eyes flashed. "The trough, the private plane, it’s gorgeous, worth it. It’s really higher than our helicopter gunship. It’s not a Level."

"Don't mention our martial arts, and the Black Hawk is not a good grade?"

A group of special squad-like brothers who went to the city like a countryman, explored everywhere, Mu Yuan did not care about them, they did not relax before the war, they just talked about the trash, as long as they were on the battlefield.

"A group of rough men, I laughed." Mu Yuan said nothing.

The night mausoleum took the bell burning, the big one did not bring, the medical team brought two people, plus two pilots, the population is relatively simple, can be dressed and a group of special forces are obviously two species, Mu far silently think, next Once you have to let them wear a suit to go out and support the scene.

"Is it quiet to find the news?"

Yuling said, "There are two suspicious places, one of which makes the city of Sunan pass, and the other person I have to go and see."

Mu Yuan said, "You don't worry, it has already happened. We can't stop it. If it happens, we will try our best to chase it."

The plane crawled, lifted off, and left the city of A.


Gu's Manor.

Erye and the fourth brother, the five brothers went to the hospital, Gu Xie accompanied the children's paintings in Gu's Manor, he had a little sleep, people stumbled, shouting slyly and Mommy, Gu Xie was very distressed, There was a footstep downstairs.

Gu Xie went out and saw Lin Xiaojuan just at the stairs.

He looked soft, Lin Xiaojuan went upstairs, gave him a hug, and thanked her tightly, holding her voice.

"Is he asleep?"

"Don't have a nightmare." Gu Xie said softly, his eyes were like water, warm as a starry sky, Lin Xiaojuan padded his feet and kissed him in the corner of his lips. "I will go see him."

The two entered the bedroom together, and the children's paintings were not very stable. Lin Xiaojuan took his hand and felt distressed. The thousand trees were missing. The nightlings were not enough. The children painted a baby with no sense of security.

Gu Xie gently rubbed her on her shoulder. "Go out first, let him sleep."

Lin Xiaojuan nodded, and the two went out together in the bedroom. Lin Xiaojuan gently took the door. "Children's paintings are rarely separated from the thousand trees. I will be restless recently. Do I have to pick up some work and let him be busy, so that I don't think about it?" ”

"You have to pick up the work, and he may not be willing."

"The will of children's paintings is firm. There is no news in Qianshu. He is small and can't help. I must definitely do something to divert attention." Lin Xiaojuan said, "You said that Xiao Li and your second brother are not very friendly. I just went to the brilliant entertainment to find Xiao Li, one is for the work, the other is to ask him about the thousand trees, Xiao Li always said that the link between him and the black rose has always been the second brother. He knows, the second brother knows."

"He didn't lie." Gu Xie said that he did not tell Lin Xiaojuan about his second brother.

Black Rose is his biological mother, and he did not tell Lin Xiaojuan.

If there is any accident in Qianshu, I don’t know how Xiaojuan should look at it.


In the morning three, Ha, the little fairies have a monthly ticket, don't forget it.

(End of this chapter)

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