Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 995: The baby has muscles.

Chapter 995 baby has muscles

The owner retreated and the helicopter returned to the supply station.

This supply station is a supply station for the US military. It is not their supply station. It is two hours from the base. Just in the middle of the stronghold and the salsa island, Mu Yuan intends to bring troops to investigate many times. It is necessary to know the deployment of force inside. action.

Mu Yuan and Yu Ling stayed at the supply station.

Xie Jingwei, "Are you sure?"

"It is certain that all the aircraft have been shot down. There must be someone inside." Mu Yuan said, "Shen Qianshu and Black Rose are likely to be inside."

The night mausoleum is silent, for a long time.

Xie Jingxi said, "In this case, I have already been stunned. I will send a reconnaissance plane to monitor the island around the clock to ensure that no one leaves the island."

Yuling said, "All around you have to monitor."


Mu Yuan said, "It's still smooth, at least a little bit of information."

Night Mausoleum said, "Things are so smooth, but I am suspicious, quiet, you look at the electricity on the island, check their electricity usage this month, check the heat distribution map on the island."

"it is good!"


Black Rose slightly regrets that Mu Yuan and Yu Ling did not even enter the trap.

"The doorkeeper, they have retreated."

Black Rose said, "I know that the second batch of investigators will definitely arrive and give them a lesson."


Black Rose smiled slightly, wanting to compare information at sea and black roses, even if it is Xie Jingwei, it is also an idiotic dream, Black Rose said, "If I will definitely check the power usage and heat distribution on the island, all exposed to them. , dressed up in a decent way."


Black Rose said, "Send a small aircraft out and let them track."


The deployment of Black Rose is very reasonable and very emotional, not afraid at all.

The first round of confrontation was opened.

Monica knocked on the door. "Door, can I come in?"

"Come in!" said Black Rose.

Monica came in, the monitor screen was being arranged, and Monica did not squint. "I didn't get clear instructions. When Shen Qianshu was attacked, I and Mosi would help her fight back, or do it?"

Black Rose said, "You and Moses decide for themselves."

Monica said, "Yes!"

Black Rose, "Is there a lot of people attacking Shen Qianshu on these two islands?"

"Very much," Monica said. "This small group of garbage is very dissatisfied with me and Moses, so I have a clear direction."

Black Rose likes Monica's arrogance.

This is the same as Xiao Qiaomen, the little Joe who made her hate her teeth.

This is also a sharp knife that she cultivated.

"You do everything you can, if Shen Qianshu is dead, it is also her incompetence, what you and Mosi should do, what you want to do, as you wish." Black Rose said, "Since she boarded the island, the test has begun."


Monica looked at Yang Lihua and turned and left.

In the shooting range.

Shen Qianshu is practicing a gun, and Mosi teaches at the side.

Shen Qianshu’s method of shooting has been able to eat small shrimp from the first day, and has become an improvement in the ability to eat a plate of pimp shrimp. Although he can’t do it in ten rings, the shooting method is also very much. Monica’s devil training Very effective.

"Moses, look at my arm, is there muscle?" Shen Qianshu wore sleeveless, revealing a sun-colored arm, a thin layer of muscle wrapped around the bone, very powerful.


Today's update is over! !

(End of this chapter)

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