Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 1216: Typical guilty

1216, "This is simple!"

Originally their plan needed to get the support of his father. Now, if the father agrees, they will be able to send troops to conquer the ink.

He Lianqing immediately contacted Huo Yunshen, Huo Yunshen learned that Mr. President wants to see him, did not delay time, the first time to come to the presidential palace Bailou.

Xu Xiyan appeared together as a monarch, and went to the White House. Huo Yunshen went upstairs and she stayed downstairs and waited.

A little boring, Xu Xiyan just turned around in the garden downstairs.

Strolling through the flowers, I inadvertently heard the voice of someone talking, and I heard the voice of the President’s wife.

She sat under the flower stand under the red building for afternoon tea, and some people were reporting to her about Mr. President's daily routine.

Referring to the name of "Huo Yunshen", Xu Xiyan is particularly sensitive and can't help but get closer and want to hear what they say.

Yun Xueji listened to the report and asked some questions. "What does the President temporarily ask to meet with Huo Yun?"

"I don't know."

"Then let the servants who sent the tea go to explore, it is best to quietly install the bug."


Seeing that the man turned his footsteps, Xu Xiyan quietly retired.

Going back to the white building, I waited for a while, and I saw that the next person who sent the tea came. The tea was tested by the repair, and there was no problem before it was released for the other party.

"And slow!"

Just as the servant Lao Xia Duan tea was going to go, Xu Xiyan came over and called the person in time and asked, "What did you give to the President?"

The maid who saw the servant in the summer was a stranger, but he was still outside the house. He was a little bit unconcerned. "This is the tea that was given to the President and the guests. The assistant has already tested it."

He nodded his head. "Yes, I have already tested it. Is there any problem? Mr. Jun?"

I did not know the true identity of Xu Xiyan, but I didn’t even think that someone would blame under his eyes.

Xu Xiyan said in a serious way, "I suspect there is still a problem with this tea."

"What else is there?" asked Xiu Xiu.

"I suspect there is a bug in this tea."

The old summer hand trembled, almost did not throw the tray, and quickly argued. "Who are you? Don't rely on good people, I have been in the presidential office for 20 years, and I am loyal to the president, how can I sneak in the tea?" What?"

Yan Xiu also said, "No, Lao Xia is the old man of our presidential palace. I have already checked it, and tea is no problem."

Xu Xiyan squinted at the maid, and the maid squinted his eyes.

"Tea is fine, then, you have problems, I suspect you are a spy!"

When I was listening to the old summer, I immediately jumped over the wall. "You don't have blood spray!"

"I have blood-sucking people, as long as I search for a search, you dare to let me search?"

The old Xiajiao corner has already ooze sweat drops, the typical guilty conscience, Xu Xiyan said so, scared to immediately lose the tray to run.

Xu Xiyan reacted very quickly, immediately shot, grabbed the old summer, a beautiful over-the-shoulder fell, and fell to the ground.

The toes slammed on the other's neck, and Xu Xiyan ordered the repairs. "Hey assistant, search for his body!"

Old summer is still hard, "You are illegal to search yourself!"

"All laws are a fart compared to the safety of the President!"

Xu Xiyan stepped on his foot and slammed him into two slaps, and he blew his mouth.

靳修 cooperated with the search, really found a small bug on this servant, and asked awkwardly, "Old summer, you actually do this kind of thing! Why do you want to install this in the President’s room? Are you really? spy?"


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