Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 1496: He missed it perfectly [modified]

In 1496, Huo Yunshen successfully passed the 72-hour dangerous period, and on the fifth day of hospitalization, he finally woke up.

After waking up, he felt that there was not much discomfort in addition to his head hurt.

He did not lose his memory, nor did he become a fool, which made everyone relieved.

Jingxi got the news that her husband woke up and came to the ward to visit him in the first time.

Huo Yunshen took his wife's hand and was very moved. "Jing Xi, I can finally see you again."

Jingxi happy tears, "I know that you will not have something, you can wake up, it is very good."

Huo Yunshen noticed that his wife’s belly had become awkward and asked nervously, “Wife, your stomach? What about children?”

Next to Huo Sanyu told his younger brother, "Brother, you have been hospitalized, you don't know that your wife is born!"

"Is it all born? What happened?"

"5 days ago."

"..." Huo Yunshen heard, vomiting is about to vomit blood, no! D!

He wants to accompany his wife, accompany her, and wait for the child to be born together!

Now he missed the birth of the child perfectly!

Everyone didn't tell him about the accident that happened on the day of his surgery, so he didn't know that his wife had a child because of an accident.

At this time, I was struggling, and I missed my wife’s most important production time. "I am sorry for my wife. We have always said good, I will always be with you. But now, let you suffer so much." I am so distressed."

"Nothing, don't care about those, as long as you can wake up, it is the greatest comfort to me."

"Yeah." The couple held each other's hands and looked at each other cherished.

When everyone saw the reunion of the couple, they consciously withdrew from the ward and left the space for them.

Huo Yunshen moved his body slightly and patted his bed. "Wife, come up, lie in my arms, I want to talk to you."

"Yeah." Jing Xi's lying down beside him, lying in his arms, made her feel very secure.

"When you have a baby, you must suffer a lot!"

Huo Yun deep asked her head and lips to rub her head.

"No, the children are full-term, and they are born soon after they are delivered to the delivery room. There is no cost at all."

Jingxi did not want her husband to be too self-blaming, so he concealed the pain of dystocia.

"Are they jealous?"

“Hey!” Jing Xi asked, “Why don’t you ask me if I am a boy or a girl?”

Huo Yunshen does not care about men and women at all. As long as the child is healthy, the wife is safe, and the boys and girls are the same.

But when the wife asked him, he asked, "A boy or a girl?"

"you guess!"

"A man and a woman, a dragon and a baby?"

"You guess again!"

"Two daughters? Two sons?"

"Well, it’s two sons. Congratulations, Huo Yunshen, you have now become the father of three children."

"Working hard, wife..."

Huo Yunshen held his wife tightly, kissed her distressedly, and gave birth to two children. The pain will be doubled. Although she said it was easy, he knew that it was not easy for a woman to have a baby.

"I didn't book a luxury month center for you? Why didn't you go?"

Huo Yunshen calculated the time, this is the fifth day of the birth of the child, how is Jingxi still in the hospital?

"I canceled, stayed in the hospital for a month, and waited for you while sitting. At that time, our family was discharged from the hospital together."

"I am afraid that I am wronged."

"No grievances, Mom takes care of me here, the most important thing is that I am at ease with you."


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