Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 1552: It’s tighter

1552, the ring can not find back, the other side pit he does not know the goods, the diamond ring, only give him a few hundred.

Even if you go to find a ring, the other party can't admit it.


In the evening, Jingxi made a good meal to send meals to the **** cow father and son.

Ge chrysanthemum sees her and goes to give food to others. She pulls her face and says, "Go and give the man a meal?"

"Yeah mom, I made some food and sent it to them."

Jing Xi’s hands were filled with good meals, hung on the handlebars of electric vehicles, and put on helmets to go out.

"How do you care about your business? You don't do things all day, it's useless!"

Regardless of what Ge chrysanthemums are, Jingxi is ignorant, riding a small eDonkey to go straight to the **** cattle home.

The **** cow father and son lived in a simple shed built by the sea.

The electric car just stopped, and the little iron cow heard the sound and ran out of the door. "Mom, mother..."

The little iron cow ran over and hugged Jing Xi’s leg, and his mouth was sweet and called his mother.

Jing Xi took off his helmet, picked up the little iron cow, and said his nose. "Little guy, sister, I heard no!"

"Don't sister! Mother!"

Instead of listening, the little iron bulls have tightened Jingxi.

A lot of corrections have been made, but the little iron bull is not listening, but insist on calling mom.

Hey, poor, he is a child without a mother, Jingxi also went with him.

Jing Xi and his head arrived, and after a while, the little iron cow won, and smiled happily.

Looking at the child's happy face, Jingxi couldn't help but sigh, time flies, and the little iron bull is almost three years old.

I remember when he first saw him in the seaside town a year ago, he was almost two years old.

At that time, he followed his father all the way to be here. Both father and son were so dirty that they couldn’t see their faces. His father tried to give him a stutter and stole the bun. He was met by Jingxi and helped pay the money. Speaking of love.

Then, the father and son followed her all the way. Jingxi saw them poor, and they gave them a way to find a place to live.

The simple shed is also the Jin family. Jin Hongsheng used to live here and often live here.

Jingxi asked the adoptive father to leave the house to the two of them, so this place became their place of residence.

Jingxi not only took care of their father and son, but also took responsibility for taking care of them, mainly because the children were too poor.

One of the small iron cows has hearing impairment and can be recovered after surgery, but now they have problems in life, let alone see a doctor.

Jing Xi lived in the Jin family, but also accumulated no extra money. The money was shackled by the foster mother. She wanted to help the small iron bull to raise the surgery fee, but she also wanted other ways.

Playing with the little iron cow for a while, he pulled Jingxi into the house. Jingxi put the dinner on the table and said, "Black Bull, eat dinner soon!"

The man got up with a simple cane cut from a piece of wood and thanked him. "Xiao Xi, I am bothering you."

"No trouble, I am doing more, enough for you to eat."

Jingxi took the food out and took the little iron cow to the chair and took care of them.

The man is quietly eating, although he is lonely, but the action of eating is extremely elegant. As you can see, he may have been well educated.

I just don’t know how to live on the streets, with a young child, begging for a living.

Jing Xi inquired about their origins, but the black cow just smiled and refused to reveal half of the points.

She can also see that he is a very vigilant man.

Considering that the other party may have something difficult to say, Jing Xi will not explore any more.

When they had eaten well, Jingxi took the dishes and greeted them and rushed home to eat.

"Mom, will you still see the cows tomorrow?"


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