Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 1554: Not a good idea

1554, Ge Chrysanthemum is calculating 1 million accounts, now listen to her that she does not want to immigrate, it does not mean that there are 200,000 less, and immediately jumped, "You are stupid? Immigrants can eat spicy and spicy, you one What are you doing here?"

"Mom, if I left, no one would take care of the black cows and their father and son. The iron cow was so pitiful. I promised not to leave him. How can I go?"


It turned out to be because of the father and son!

Ge chrysanthemum couldn't help but want to marry her, and what other people's life and death have to do with them, but after thinking about it, if the **** bulls can count on the head, isn't that more than 400,000?

1 million, and 1.4 million, as long as you are not stupid, you will choose 1.4 million?

Thinking of this, Ge Chrysanthemum admired his savvy at the same time, pretending to be generous, "I can't leave them. As the saying goes, send the Buddha to the West and help people to help the end. If you want to do good things, Mom will give you a way." It’s better to let them go to the Dragon Kingdom as well. So they can get the light on such a good day. What do you think?”

Jingxi listened, what? This can be!


"What excuses do you use to bring them to the Dragon Kingdom? They are not Dragons!"

"Simple! Come over, I will tell you!" Ge chrysanthemum waved at her, waiting for her to come to her, squatting in her ear.

"Ah? You let me marry him?"

Jingxi wants to vomit, is this a bad idea?

"Yeah! You can also marry him. The main purpose is to turn you into a family of three, so that he becomes the son-in-law of our family. Can we not take them with you in a logical way? And you want to take care of them. The child can still continue to take care of it. Anyway, the child has already called your mother. You don’t care more than one proof?"

After a reminder of Ge Chrysanthemum, Jing Xi felt that this idea was also a good idea.

If you can leave the island with the **** cow father and son, if you have the money in the dragon country, you can have surgery for the calf, and the legs of the big iron cow can be reinstalled with a prosthesis.

In this way, the immigrants did more good than the disadvantages. Jingxi took the opportunity to make a decision. "Well, I will go to the black cow to ask."

Early the next morning, Jing Xi gave them a meal. When they were eating, Jing Xi stared at the black cow for a while.

If you propose marriage, you can’t say it.

Although the black cow big brother broke a leg, but a talent, how can I be willing to marry her like this ugly?

I think that I think I want to eat swan meat.

Mo Yutian noticed the unusual expression of Jin Xiaoxi today. He stopped the chopsticks and asked, "Xiao Xi, what happened to you? Always watching what I do? Is there something on my face?"

"No, not, I actually have something to discuss with you, but I am sorry to speak."

"What, you just say."

Jingxi was clear and clear, and he went out. "This is the case. Isn't the Dragon Kingdom now a new policy of returning to the country? Our family intends to move to the Dragon Kingdom, so I ask if you would like to go with me?"

After Jingxi finished, Mo Yutian looked at her silently.

He is thinking.

The only motivation for squatting is to raise the size of the apple. If there is a chance in the future, I will find a way to send him back to his parents.

He knows the policy of the eviction of the dragon country, and he also heard that the king of the dragon country, Huo Yunshen, came to power.


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