Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 1410: Heartbeat

1410, in the castle, Helenwei just helped the scene to wash his hair like a month, at the moment the two sat on the balcony, he helped her blow her hair.

The man's slender fingers pierced her hair and were carefully blowing every hair for her.

Her blue silk was mixed with a trace of white hair, and when she saw white hair, Hermione’s heart would be sore.

What can't be ignored is the fact that they are all old. How many days can they live in the future?

I really hope that the time can be slower and slower.

"Would you like to tie it up?"

Blowing the hair, Helenwei asked.

Jing Ruyue picked up a strand of hair and looked down.

Her hair is very long and has already reached the lower back. It takes a lot of time to take care of it every day.

She suddenly said in a whim, "Wind, I want to cut my hair shorter."


Hellway didn't want him to move any part of his body, even if it was a hair, he couldn't bear to cut her.

"It’s too long, it’s a good day to take care of it, and it’s said that the hair grows long and absorbs the nutrition of the human body. I want to cut it short and see if I can eat fat quickly.”

Jing Ruyue now also hopes that his body can become stronger and how long the meat is better.

"Also, when I look back, I ask the barber to go home and cut it for you, okay?"

Although Hellway is reluctant, she said that it makes sense. If the hair is too long, it will absorb the nutrients of her body.

“Without a hairdresser, can you help me cut it at home?”

"I... I am worried that it will be difficult to cut."

Helliver did not have the craft, nor dared to cut the scissors easily.

"Okay! Let me talk!"

Jing Ruyue stretched out his slim hands and saw that his nails were long. "Wind, I want to cut my nails."

"Okay, I will help you cut it."

Cutting nails is not difficult, he is happy to help.

Helenwei took the nail clipper and let Jing Ruyue sit in his arms. He picked up her hand and helped her to finely trim her nails.

"Your hand is beautiful, it is the best hand I have ever seen."

Helenwei will never forget her beautiful hands, the look of the violin.

Many people who love handcuffs like her hands. I remember that her hands were also used as hand models and a public service advertisement related to sign language.

Hearing the praise of the man, Jing Ruoyue leaned in his arms and raised his mouth slightly.

The days with him are really not boring at all. His carefulness and thoughtfulness make her feel happy from head to toe.

After cutting her nails, Helenwei took a trick and took out a long box from behind.

"What is this?" Jing Ruo asked.

"Give it to you, open it and see."

When Jing Yue opens, it turns out to be a white new smart touch screen mobile phone. Unexpectedly, "It turned out to be a mobile phone, as if I couldn't use it."

Jing Ruyue is out of touch with the society for more than ten years. She doesn't understand many new things, and she doesn't want to know about the past.

Helenwei is now helping her to pull in the distance from the society. He opens the screen of the mobile phone and says, "I teach you to use it. With this mobile phone, you can see your daughter and granddaughter anytime, anywhere."

Jing Ruyue was moved, and she also wanted to see the children often.

"Look, this is the address book. Let people you know, their numbers are here. If you have something, you can call them directly."

Hellway opened the address book and taught the scene to understand the interface and functions.

Jing Ruyue saw the ranking of the address book, and her daughter-in-law’s grandfather’s grandfather’s number was there.


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