Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 1423: Should learn the lesson

14. Jingxi has arranged a seat for him next to Huo Sanhao, and also laid out the dishes.

Ye Xun is naturally sitting down beside Huo Sanchao and looking at her.

Huo Sanqi, when he did not see it, continued to play with Sakura.

The woman ignored him, and Ye Xun could only chat with Jingxi Huoyun.

Jingxi sniffed the smell and asked, "Two brothers, how do you have a syrup in your body?"

"Oh my God! I just went to the hospital, can you smell it?" Ye Xun asked in surprise.

"It happened. What happened to you?"

Ye searched and shook his head. "Not me, that is Ouyang Feifei, she was hospitalized."

Listening to his explanation, Jingxi can't understand, "Fifi is hospitalized? How can you and her..."

Ye Xunsheng is afraid of causing a misunderstanding and quickly explain, "No, no, listen to me slowly, not me..."

Ye Xun said the things he encountered at the bar today. Jing Xi knew that after breaking up with Ouyang Feifei in the afternoon, she went to the bar later.

In the bar, people were bullied by drugs. It was Ye Xun and Jun Hao who had just saved her.

I heard that Ouyang Feifei’s alcoholism almost died. Jingxi was a bit worried. “I will go to the hospital tomorrow to see her. This kind of thing will happen. What Qin’s, is it packed?”

"I was picked up by me at the time."

"Oh, that kind of person should learn a lesson."

The dishes were all on the table. Everyone ate and talked and had dinner. Ye Xun and Jing Xi went back together.

This time, Huo Sanhao did not rely on Yunjing Manor, and when she let her go, it was still obedient.


In the morning, the couple sent their children to school and went to the highest hospital.

Came to Ouyang Feifei's ward, Jingxi knocked on the door, then pushed the door in and saw Ouyang Feifei lying alone in the ward.


Jingxi came to the front and shouted softly.

"Jing Xijie, Mr. Huo, how come you?"

Ouyang Feifei opened her eyes and turned to see that Jingxi and Huo Yunshen came, and thought of greeting.

"Don't move! Don't move!"

Jingxi held her down and kept her from moving. "I heard that my second brother said that you were hospitalized. How are you doing now? Is it better?"

"I am much better, no problem."

Ouyang Feifei relieved the body's alcohol and drug toxins. People are fine, that is, the body and stomach are still weak.

"Is you alone in the ward? Do you know Ouyang Uncle and Aunt?"

"Know. My dad is going to have a meeting today. I went to the Blue Palace early in the morning. My mom went back and changed clothes for me. By the way, I cooked some porridge. I might come to the hospital." Ouyang Feifei explained.


Jing Xi left to accompany Ouyang Feifei, Huo Yunshen had something to deal with, leaving the hospital first.

There were only two women left together, Jingxi asked. "Are you not separated from me yesterday? How come you go to the bar? What happened to you?"

"I went there to see Mo Beichen. He called me to meet, and he said something to him, and he ran into a man. I don't know the man. I will poison me if I give it to me."

Ouyang Feifei thinks that she has encountered innocent disasters and can offend people while walking. It is too unlucky.

Jingxi heard the name of Mo Beichen and asked, "Is this Mo Beichen the object of your engagement? I seem to see the news."

"Well, that's him."

"His wind review doesn't seem to be very good. Do you really think about it?"


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