Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 1475: Can only be regarded as an accident

1475. I don't know if Joe Ruo's whereabouts and circumstances are correct, but Jingxi thinks that maybe it can be a turning point for them to resolve conflicts?

After the rescue, Joe Ruo was out of danger, her lungs were pierced and she needed to be hospitalized for rest.

Huo Yunshen arranged the best ward for her. At the same time, he opened a presidential suite in a five-star hotel near the hospital. They and Tang Yiyi’s family temporarily stayed here, waiting for Joe to wake up.

The bodyguards came back. They found the murderer, a local tramp, and had nerve problems.

Without a fixed home, I was wandering in the town. It was not clear yesterday why he suddenly started to attack several women.

Now that the tramp is dead, there is no confrontation, no reason can be found, and this matter can only be lost.


Joe Ruo woke up the next morning, because she was injured in the back, she couldn't lie down and could only kneel on the bed.

Accompanied by her husband, Jing Xi came to the ward to visit her. "If you are, thank you very much yesterday. If it weren't for you, it must be me!"

Because of the blood loss, Joe Ruo’s face was pale and people were weak. “You’re welcome, you and your baby are fine.”

They didn't have to wait in the ward for a long time, and there was a dusty servant outside the door.

Feng Yunan rushed into the ward, and the breath was a little breathful. After standing, I saw the woman on the bed, showing half of the face, and I was sure that it was really her.

From yesterday, I called Jingxi and told him that after Joe was injured and rescued, he did not know how worried he was. He immediately bought a ticket and flew from Guoyuncheng to the south of the country.

Now that I saw Joe Ruo's injury, his heart was tightened.

But when there are outsiders present, he can only gather his emotions.

Jingxi first discovered that Feng Yunan had come, and he said, "Mr. Feng, are you coming so soon?"


Feng Yunan nodded and thanked him. He stood in the ward and stood in Huo Yunshen and recognized him. "Mr. Huo, long time."

"Long back, Mr. Feng!"

Huo Yunshen also had some impressions about Feng Yunan. He had a relationship with him at a business exchange meeting. He knew that he was in charge of the economic lifeline of the country, and he was also a very big man.

On the bed, Joe Ruoqiang suddenly heard the sound of Feng Yunan. The whole person felt bad. He moved a bit. As a result, the wound on the back of the wound hurts. She hurts and **** her air.


Feng Yunan heard it and hurryed over. "Joe Ruo! How are you?"

Joe Ruoqiang did not answer, just turned his face and didn't want to see him.

Feng Yunan responded to her and got used to it. He could only ask Jingxi them. "How could this happen suddenly? Who did it?"

"A tramp with a neurological problem has now been dealt with." Huo Yun Shen said in short.

In this way, this encounter can only be regarded as an accident.

Feng Yunan expressed understanding and talked with Huo Yunshen for a while, and finally said, "Thank you very much for the care of her!"

"If you are injured to save me, we should take care of her." Jing Xidao.

"Well, then don't delay the precious time of the two. If something happens, you can leave first. Give it to me."

Feng Yunan took the initiative to take care of Joe Ruoqiang’s responsibility, as if this was his business.

"Alright, there is Mr. Feng with him, I am also assured, we will go first."

They really can't stay here more, they have to go back to Lin City and see the results of the match.


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