Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 1481: He waited for a long time on this day.

14, Huo Yijing did not think about himself, thinking that the object of being proposed is just like her, the name has a "quiet".

Just then, I heard the scream of the girl coming around. When she turned her head, she saw a man holding a large bouquet of bright red roses and coming towards her.

The bouquet is very large, and the face of the other person has been completely covered until the front is approaching, and the other party puts down the bouquet a little and reveals the familiar face.


"Quiet, yes, it is me."

He stood in front of her and soon did not know where a group of people came from, each holding two candles in their hands and approaching them.

They are finally placed around them, and the ground is surrounded by a heart-shaped encirclement.

The marriage proposal officially began. Huo Jingjing was too surprised to say anything. His marriage proposal made her unprepared and had no psychological preparation at all.

"Quiet, it turned out that my abruptness, chose to be in such an environment, suddenly proposed.

"I can only tell you that this is what I always wanted to do. I waited for this day for a long time.

"Quiet, I don't know what your heart thinks? But I just want you to know my heart.

"I hope that I can accompany you every day in the future and stay with you.

"You are happy, I want to make you happier. You are sad, I will help you dry your tears.

"If you are tired, tired, my shoulders and arms can rely on you.

"I hope that I can shelter you from the wind and rain for you.

"So, I want to tell you seriously, I love you, quiet." Will you like to marry me, let me take care of your life? ”

Jing Junnan, a young man from the ages, came up with a romantic proposal and racked his brains to use what he could think of.

At the moment, I was very nervous and waiting for her response.

The audience coming from the square are watching the excitement. Some people say that they are romantic, and some people call to marry him.

In the face of such a scene, Huo Jing’s heart was in a mess. She thought about it and thought about it. Finally she looked up and said very seriously. "Sorry, in the south, I understand that you are good to me, but I really have no way." Accept you, sorry, don't waste time for me, you should find a girl that suits you!"

After saying this, she turned and rushed to the crowd, and ran away like a runaway, leaving the Jingnan South standing alone.

Originally a romantic proposal, now becomes a joke, many people are laughing, this is a failed proposal.

Jingjing Nanguanguang has been watching her back, and she is very sad. He already knows that he may never be able to walk into Huo Jing’s heart again.

The originally proposed marriage ring did not have the opportunity to come out again.

At this time, his group of men came over and helped their boss to remove the candles on the field.

One of the girls came over and patted him on the shoulder. "Boss, are you okay?"

Jing warnan turned his head and looked at each other. The girl who shot him was called Mo Nian. It was the transfer of the staff of the JS organization headquarters, and transferred the new female commander who took over the No. 1 group.

However, he is an old friend, and he has been born into a dead comrade.

In the face of Mo Nian’s concern, Jing Zhan Nan smiled. “Nothing, let you laugh.”

When he finished, he put the rose in his hand into the arms of Mo Nian and said, "Thank you today, you bring people back, I want to walk alone."

Jing Zhannan stepped away, and Mo Nian looked at his lonely and sad background, and his heart seemed to be hit by something.

Suddenly, I feel bad about him. What happened?


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