Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 1489: Renewed feeling

14:8, a brain nerve center system surgery, carried out nearly eight hours, and finally completed.

Huo Yunshen was sent to the intensive care unit to continue observation. At 7 o'clock, Gu Yi and his mentor and other medical staff came out of the operating room to know what had happened outside.

The relatives and friends who have been notified, including the parents of Jingxi, the grandfather, have also arrived in the hospital in time.

Now Huo Yunshen is still in a dangerous period. They are also useless here. I heard that Jing Xisheng was born, and everyone went to obstetrics.

Jing Xi has been sent to the ward from the laboratories. At this moment, the needle is hanging, oxygen is inserted, and her weak postpartum is still in a coma.

Everyone came to the maternity ward and saw that she was still awake and asked about her child's situation.

The nurse who was born first was very good, but I didn’t know why. The child later suffocated, so I had to return it to the nurse and send it to the incubator for childcare.

Huo Sanzhen told me truthfully, "Jing Xisheng gave birth to two boys, but the two children were born with a little weakness and now live in the incubator."

Jing Ruyue saw that her daughter almost gave away half of her life in order to have a baby. She was so distressed that she shed tears.

Helenwei can only comfort her constantly. "Don't be sad, just wait for your daughter to wake up."

"How can this happen today? The expected date of the birth of the words has not arrived, how was it born in advance?"

Jing Hua’s grandfather Jing Huazhen asked.

Huo Sanyu can only tell everyone about the accident that happened today. After listening to everyone, they were shocked.

I completely could not think of the fact that in the country’s highest military district hospital, I was able to mix in with the terrorists in an attempt to create an attack on Huo Yun’s operation.

Fortunately, at that time, Mo Yutian subdued the gangsters. If the criminals pretended to be medical personnel and pushed the cart with the fried da into the operating room, the casualties today may be extremely heavy.

Everyone's eyes are on the body of Mo Yutian, but he is also a foolish look.

Huo Sanyu knew that he was pretending to be undressed. As long as he was kind, he would let him stay in the ward and also play a protective role.

After an hour, Jingxi just woke up and opened his eyes to see a familiar face in front of him.

The pain that came from under her body allowed her to clearly determine that she was still alive. There is a feeling of being a human being.


"Speaking, Mom is."

Jing Ruyue grabbed her daughter's hand, held it, and looked at her with red eyes.

Jingxi looked at everyone again, and saw the two grandmothers of Hu Jia’s two sisters. They said that the second sentence was, “Is Yun’s surgery over?”

Huo Erqi told her, "It is over."

"How is he? Is the operation successful? I want to see him!"

Jingxi disregarded his weakness and struggled to get up and go to see her husband, but they were persuaded by Huo Erqi. "You don't move! Yunshen's surgery is still successful. Now I am observing at iu, even if you go, you can't see him. You I have just produced it now, and my body is still very weak. I will wait until you rest."

When I mentioned the child, Jing Xi looked at the ward and did not hear the cry of the child. I was worried. "What about the child?"

"The child is in the incubator, rest assured! Waiting for the incubator, you will be able to meet the children."

Huo Sanyu did not dare to tell her the specific situation of the two children. She only said that she was "two boys, one catty eight two, one catty six two, you did not see, the child is really beautiful."

Jingxi had already had tears in her eyes. How difficult it was to give birth to two children, almost consuming her half life.


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