Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 1508: Shifting her attention

150 Eight, as soon as you pick up the bamboo needle, you will remember the lost apple, her heart will be sad and can not breathe.

Huo Yunshen stood at the door of the baby room and saw his wife sitting in front of the crib. His shoulders shook slightly and he looked down and wept.

I don't know how many times I found out, she secretly cried when the child fell asleep.

Now Jingxi’s whole person has become depressed and decadent, and his smile is almost invisible. If he goes on like this, Huo Yunshen really worried that she would not suffer from depression.

He walked in, sat down beside his wife, grabbed her shoulder and asked softly, "Wife, how did you cry again?"

"I didn't cry. I just can't beat my sweater. I am so sad."

Jingxi shook his semi-finished products, and his lips trembled even more.

"If you don't play well, don't fight again."

Huo Yunshen took the semi-finished products in her hand and refused to let her touch again. "You should go out and don't always hide in the house. Today the sun is warm, let's take the grapes and go out to the sun!"


Huo Yun got up and took the sleeping son into the basket, carrying the child and pulling his wife out.

The sun is fine outside, although the air is a bit cold, but it is not too cold under the sun.

Huo Yunshen found a place without wind, letting the servants move to the loungers and tables and prepare blankets.

Jing Xi was lying on the sun lounger, and he sat next to him. The grape basket was in front of them. The couple could see the sleeping children.

Huo Yunshen asked the servant to come over with some fruits and drinks and wanted to serve his wife well.

The new servant, who forgot the things that the owner had promised, came to the fruit and had the washed apple.

"Mr., wife, fruit and drink are coming!"

After the servant finished speaking, put the tray at Jingxi's side, and by the way, "Mrs. Do you want to eat apples? I can help you cut them."

Jingxi shook his head and saw the red apple. He couldn't help but think of the apple. He cried uncomfortably.

Huo Yunshen’s tens of thousands of things, the result is that a servant has made an apple to provoke his wife to be sad, and can’t help but thunder. “Whoever gives you the courage, dare to take the apple! Let me all go down! Roll!”

The new servant was scared, and ran away with a tray.

After rebuking the servant, Huo Yunshen began to marry his wife again. "Okay, don't cry, don't be sad."

Huo Yunshen kept licking his wife, and he was very anxious at the same time. It seemed that he had to divert her attention.

In desperation, Huo Yunshen thought of Fang Orange.

Fang Orange is the best friend of Jingxi. She is like a sister. When Fang Orange lost Wang Dazhi, it was also Jingxi who accompanied her to guide her to help her gradually get through the most sad days.

Now Jingxi has also suffered an unfortunate blow. Huo Yun thinks, can she take Fang Orange to live for a while, let her accompany Jing Xi, and enlighten Jing Xing?

No matter what you can't do, as long as you can make Jingxi happy, Huo Yunshen will try it.


Three days later, Yunjing Villa Manor came to the guests.

Yi Yi took Fang Orange and Yi Bei and came to the manor as a guest.

The car parked in front of the garden fountain, and the Yi and Fang Orange family got off at three.

Waiting for Huo Yunshen at the door, come out to meet them.

After a long time, I haven't seen you. I am seeing my own young master and kindly come forward to hug him. "Young master, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Long time no see." Huo Yun deep patted his arm, looking up and down.


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