Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 1513: Give her unreservedly

151, she wants to sleep well, does not want to rely on sleeping pills, I hope her husband can help her.

Huo Yunshen suddenly heard Jingxi say such words, like being encouraged and invited, excitedly holding her, kissing her lips, "Wife... I will love you..."

Since the middle of the second trimester of pregnancy, Huo Yunshen has never touched her again.

The wife has been in a sad depression center, she is not happy, how can he bear to do with her?

Now it is Jingxi who has figured it out and took the initiative to love it. Of course, he will give her without reservation.

The two souls rejoined together, and Huo Yunjing used his wildness and tenderness to soothe his wife's wounded heart.

Love her, love her.

Let her be tired of thinking about those sad things.

This evening, Jing Xi finally refused to rely on sleeping pills to fall asleep. She was slumbering in Huo Yunshen’s arms, and she fell asleep and felt dawn.


Fang Orange and Yi Yi’s family of three stayed in Lin City for about two weeks and went back. Huo Yunshen and Jing Xi took their daughter to the airport.

Jingxi and Fang Orange hugged each other again, taking care of each other and meeting the next time to meet again.

Sending away their family, Huo Yun deep carrying his wife and daughter back to Yunjing Manor.

When I got home, I already had a visitor and waited for a long time.

I heard that Hansen’s director visited the door. Jingxi said that he was very surprised. How did the other party know that she lived here?

"Going in, my wife, I invited Hansen to be a guest at home."

The wife said that she wants to return to the entertainment circle. Huo Yunshen will certainly prepare the best resources for her.

The couple entered the house and greeted Hansen.

After several people were seated, Hansen did not turn around and saw the mountain road. "I am very honored. At the invitation of Elvis, I can come to Yunjing Manor as a guest. Just look for Jingxi and talk about the new film."

"Well, when is the new film going to start shooting?"

"Beginning in May, you can take a look at the script of our new film."

Starting in May, the current month, there are just a few months of preparation time.

Hansen handed the script to Jing Xi, and Jing Xi saw the name of the new script called "Bright Stars" (English name "


The name is very good, and it makes people like it at first glance.

Looking at the outline of the script, Jingxi was surprised. This is an ethical drama and has nothing to do with love.

It is about a Chinese mother who accompanied her 15-year-old son to a foreign country, but her son died of school violence, her mother lost her son, and the school was dissatisfied with the school and took the school to court.

After her complaint, the bad luck came along, she suffered a lot of retaliation, the purpose is to let her withdraw the lawsuit.

However, the mother, in order to seek a fairness for the dead son, insisted on withdrawing the lawsuit, but the relevant departments in this matter are also a delay, resulting in the retrospective period.

She is sad, she is angry, she is desperate.

But she never gave up.

She kept insisting that until later, the case was passed to the president's ear. The president personally met her and gave justice to her. The case that had been dragged on for ten years was finally resolved.

This is a thought-provoking script that reflects social reality from the perspective of the mother.

Everyone knows the film directed by Hansen, each of which is a Hollywood classic commercial drama, but this new drama is a film of partial art, completely opposite to his style.

"Mr. Hansen, do you want to direct an ethical drama of partial art?"


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