Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 1517: Warm moment

1517, Jing Xi let her husband put the child down, took off his clothes and checked for the child, and finally judged that it may be gastrointestinal paralysis.

Because the grapes are born to develop weaker, the organs are not well developed, so the spleen and stomach are not sound, the function is poor, and it is easy to cause gastrointestinal diseases.

Realizing the seriousness of the situation, Jing Xi immediately picked up the child to go out. "Mom, the baby may be upset, we have to send him to my grandfather now."

"Oh, would you like me to accompany you?"

"You don't go, rest at home, I will go with Yunshen."

Jingxi hugged the children down the stairs, Huo Yunshen followed, the couple hurried out.

When I came to the Renjing Chinese Medicine Center, I saw Jing Huazhen. The child passed the examination of his old man and immediately judged that the child really suffered from gastrointestinal fistula.

Jing Huazhen prescribed medicine for the child. In the medical hall, Jing Xi took the medicine and gave it to his son.

The grapes that took the medicine finally stopped crying on the way home, lying in the arms of my mother and falling asleep.

"Husband, the child does not cry, and finally sleeps."

"Well, it may not hurt."

Jingxi looked down at his son's face and kissed him with a distressed heart. "Husband, you said that I can't go out to act? I just went out today, the grape is sick, hehe."

"It is common for children to get sick, especially if the grape is not very good. It may be commonplace in the future. But don't worry, there is a grandfather, and it is not a problem to treat the child."


In this way, because the child is ill, Jing Xi took the picture every day and rushed home early to accompany the child.

Recently, the news topic about Jingxi has begun to increase in the country and other countries, and her exposure rate is gradually increasing.

After more than a year of interest, Jing Xi appeared again in front of the world. This time, he will be carrying a film directed by an internationally renowned director, which will immediately raise her career to a new height.

The fans of Jingxi in the country finally waited until their love beans returned, and they spontaneously formed a support group to support her.

After Jingxi’s comeback, the first Weibo issued was not a new film promotion she took, but a baby’s hand and a warm moment of clutching her mother’s finger.

This is just a photo, but it reveals that she has produced and is a mother.

The friends and fans in the circle sent blessings and wished her and Huo Yun deep to win the second treasure.

Unsuspecting people think that Jing Xisheng’s second child is a child, but only the informed person knows what kind of loss the new mother has suffered.

In October, I was pregnant, and I almost died because of dystocia. When my child was born, I didn’t have time to hold it. I was miserable. I can imagine how Jing He has experienced it.

Therefore, when Jing Xi was starring in the film "The Splendid Stars", her performance was very explosive when her son was killed by violence on campus.

Her grief is not from the show, but from the heart of the grief, loss of love, let a mother on the verge of collapse, all kinds of blows and heartaches that are unwilling to be born, are all manifested by her.

This drama that lost his son is a very important tone of the film. It is good to portray that it will make people feel that the last ten years of recovery is reasonable.

Jingxi didn't know what he was doing. He only knew that when she finished her performance, most of the people on the set were infected with tears.


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