Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 1549: Start to heart

1549, but there are also many people who are reluctant to return to China. They are now living in other countries and are not very willing to give up a good life and return to a new country to start again.

To this end, it is the third batch, and the last batch of repatriation policies. The policy is very generous. Any migrants who are willing to move their families back to China will be compensated according to the number of heads.

The number of compensations is up to 10,000, plus housing welfare subsidies.

This policy was launched and spread soon. Many people who did not want to return to China saw this policy and began to feel heart.

The news reached the star country.

In the seaside town, a family of fishermen who depend on selling fish for their livelihood, Jin Laotai Ge Chrysanthemum, after learning the policy, asked his wife, "Old man, we might as well move to the Dragon Kingdom! You see this dragon country policy more Ok, I went to not only give the money back to the house, but such a good opportunity, if we seized it, we wouldn’t have to have a few people in the broken house in the future."

The old fisherman Jin Hongsheng gave her a look. "When you die, you will take advantage of it! You didn't look at the content behind it? It was written. Once you find that you are compensating for the nationality of the Dragon, you will be treated as fraud. You are crazy. I want to go to the Dragon Kingdom to go to jail!"

Ge Chrysanthemum turned a big eye. "Who wants to go to jail? I just think about life in the future. Can I earn a few dollars by selling seafood every day? Does the son want to marry a daughter? Does the daughter want to marry? Are you ready to get a dowry?"

"Is the son's daughter-in-law not ready-made? Is it not good for Shina to give the gold bar a wife?"

"What is good? I don't want to be a ugly daughter-in-law. That girl is very energetic and will work, so she will continue to work for our family in the future."

"You are a mother-in-law who is really abducted! Hidden is pitiful! It is better for her!"

Mrs. Jin’s eyes sighed. “There are more poor people in the world. My family is not a charity hall. It’s worthy to give her a bite to eat. I’m already worthy of her. What do you want me to do? I want to treat her as her. Treated like a golden flower, does she match?"

"Okay, don't quarrel! I hope to come back later."

"If you want me to be noisy, you can go and ask for inquiries. We must find a way to move to Longguo!"

Here Jin Hongsheng was driven out of the house, and at the other end, a girl riding an electric car, from far and near, finally parked in front of the seafood shop.

After getting off the bus, the girl took off her helmet and took a long hair like a seaweed. The back is beautiful.

A few passing guys blew her at her and called her, "beauty!~"

The girl heard the sound and looked back. As a result, a few men looked at the big cockroaches on the face of her face and almost didn't vomit.

"I rely! It is the ugly head of the old man!"

"Come and let the old man cry to the ugly!"

"I heard that the old man is recruiting a woman, run fast! Don't get rid of the ugly."

A few of them were like ghosts, and they ran like oil on their feet.

The girl chilled her lips and was often laughed at. She was ugly and laughed. She used to get numb.

I didn't go to my heart, I picked up the empty box after the electric car and went into the seafood shop.

Since she was rescued from the sea by her current adoptive father two years ago, she has stayed in the Jin family as a foster daughter.

The adoptive father told her that when she was rescued, she was wounded and wrapped in seaweed. She counted her life and met him and took her to salvage.


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