Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 1924: Instantly soft

1893, "Come out! I have heard crying!" Ye Xun said with joy.

"Well, great, congratulations, you have to be a dad!"

Jing Xi accompanied them to wait. After waiting, the nurse first took out a child. "Which is the family of Huo Sancha?"

"I! I am! I am her husband!" Ye Xun excitedly raised his hand.

"Congratulations, your lover produces a man and a woman. This is my brother. You should hurry first and your sister will come out soon."

The nurse handed the child to Ye Xun, and the leaf was taken over by tears.

This feeling is not quite the same as when I took over Sakura. When I was in Sakura, his heart was full of surprises, but now he has a heartfelt joy and ecstasy.

Because he knows that this is his flesh and blood, his son, the love of his love with Huo Sanqi, is the baby he hopes to be late for many years.

Ye Xun hugged his son, Bai Yanchuan also came together to see, seeing the little baby, his heart instantly became soft.

He is happy for Ye, and he is full of expectations, waiting for him and the child of Xiaoguo to be born.

Jing Xi also stood by and looked at the children. He was very happy. "Mom, so cute! Can you hug me?"

Ye Xun gave the child to her, Jingxi took over, looked at the child's small face and a small fist, really loved to die.

Later, the nurse took another child. Ye Xun thought that the sister came out, but no, the nurse asked who is the family of Ning Luozhen.

"Fast! It's your turn!" Ye Xun patted Bai Yanchuan, Bai Yanchuan excitedly went forward.

"Congratulations, your lover will give birth to a boy."

"I am also a son? I also have a son!"

Bai Yanchuan was too excited, his hand was shaking, and when the nurse gave him the child, he asked, "Sir, can you hold it?"

Bai Yanchuan took a deep breath and rubbed his hands. Just like the athletes warmed up, they put their hands together. "Come on! Give me! I can."

After taking over the child, Bai Yanchuan looked down at his son and liked it. Compared with Ye Xun’s son, “How does it look like it is similar?”

"The newborn is like this. It will change after two days. Congratulations to the two, officially honored as a father!" Jing Xi said with a smile.

The two boys have been out for a long time, and Ye Xun has not waited until the younger sister came out and couldn’t help but ask, "How has my daughter not yet come out?"

"Don't worry! There will be time intervals between the twins. It won't come out so soon." Jing Xi comforted.

In fact, Huo Sanqi belongs to a senior mother. It is a great courage to insist on producing a child without taking a caesarean section.

Now that she has given birth to her first child, she has almost exhausted all her strength, so no matter how the doctor encourages her, she has no way to work hard.

"Pregnant women's blood pressure is decreasing, amniotic fluid is already cloudy, ready for laparotomy."

Doctors worry that the child stays in the body for too long, causing problems such as lack of oxygen and suffocation, so the caesarean section is temporarily decided.

However, during anesthesia, the doctor found that Huo Sanqi was an anesthetic tolerant constitution, and the anesthetic had no effect on her.

Therefore, she is equal to the whole process of enduring severe pain, Caesarean gave birth to a second child, the doctor took the second child out of her belly, Huo Sanzhen can clearly feel the pain of the placenta peeling from her body, strong Penetrate into every nerve of the body.

She is sore and dead!


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