Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 1934: Waiting for her to go to the door and ask him

In 1903, Xiao Yuyi was wronged. Now she is still blaming her. She can't help it. She rushes to Xiaolan. "Do you think I think? It is his lame! I am caught! I also broke up." Such a scum, do you think I will go and ask for him?"

Xiaolan was stunned by the shackles. After knowing the reasons, he did not blame anything. "I don't think about this house yet? What should I do now? Otherwise, you will go to see the chairman of Licheng Group? As long as you can make Lee Cheng Withdrawal of the proposal, perhaps our company in Xiaojia will not be acquired, and there is room for recovery. You should consider it carefully. If you decide, I can help you contact each other."

Xiao Yuxi did not speak. She had already known that Li Dacheng had the meaning to her. She had been attending a commercial reception with her father. When she saw Li Dacheng, Li Dacheng had taken a fancy to her.

Later, the other party showed it many times, and she ignored the other party.

Unexpectedly, in the most difficult time of the Xiao family, Licheng Group will fall into the limestone and come to buy Xiao.

In this way, Li Dacheng's 80% is holding the mind that wants to force her to follow the example, waiting for her to go to the door and ask him!


Going to Li Dacheng, the chairman of Licheng Group, is the last step.

Less than the last step, she will not compromise.

The last three days after the execution of the acquisition proposal, Xiao Yuxi thought about it, even went to find her mother Tang Qingyuan, and her cousin Tang Yizhen.

They are willing to help, but they also help each other, but the money they lend to her, together they only pay back the supplier's arrears.

There are also huge debts of banks, which are still not settled.

On the last day, Xiao Yuzhen had no way. The bank representative had already visited the house many times. The company’s phone was constantly hitting the house. In this forced situation, she had to agree to see Li Dacheng.

The meeting place was arranged in a five-star resort hotel. When the door of the box was opened, Li Dacheng, the chairman of the Licheng Group, who was a big belly, was seen sitting in the box.

Seeing her coming, her eyes are shining, her face is full of excitement, "Miss Xiao, finally met again!"

"General Li, hello!" Xiao Yuqi greeted the scalp.

Li Dacheng smiled and said, "I really didn't expect Miss Xiao to contact me suddenly. I really let Li be flattered, please sit down!"

Li Dacheng patted his own position and asked her to sit in the past, but Xiao Yuxi did not pass, but sat opposite him. "Thank you, Mr. Li!"

After Xiao Yuqi was seated, he was ready to ask about the acquisition. "General Li, Licheng Group wants to acquire Xiaoshi..."

"No hurry! Talk while eating!"

Li Dacheng waved his hand and motioned for her not to worry, and then hired the waiter to order the food.

Soon all the dishes were on the table, Li Da became a highlight of his wealth, the best wine in the hotel was brought up, and personally gave Xiao Yu a red wine.

"Sorry, Mr. Li, I will not drink."

"How can I not drink? I believe that Miss Xiao usually does not have much entertainment in the company. How can you be a broker and drink alcohol? Even if you don't drink, it doesn't matter, I can teach you later!"

Li Dacheng pushed the glass to Xiao Yu's face and then talked to the topic.

"Miss Xiao, remember when we met for the first time? Yes, that is the cocktail party, you are the most temperament beauty I have ever seen. If you go to the entertainment industry, you will definitely become a popular line. Big star, unfortunately you only act as a broker, it is a pity!"


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