Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 1946: It will be him!

In 1946, Li Dacheng finally embraced the beauty, and eagerly tore her collar, saw the white flower skin, and the monkey eagerly bowed.

Xiao Yu芊 closed her eyes in pain, and her heart was full of despair. Maybe this is the bad luck she could not escape!

In the middle of the family, there was no one who could save her from the fire. One by one, all of them wanted to go down the stone, and who made her too weak?

Who let Xiao home go to this place today?

Just as Xiao Yu’s desperate moments, the door of the box was violently knocked open, a bodyguard flew in, and then another bodyguard flew in, falling straight on the table and smashing the table.

The screaming voice alerted Li Dacheng. He looked up at the door and saw a young man wearing a black trench coat and sunglasses wearing the door.

I didn't recognize who the other person was, but obviously wanted to destroy his good deeds. Li Dacheng's first reaction was to order the bodyguards. "What are you doing? Don't drive this person out!"

The bodyguards swarmed, but the man's fists were lightning fast, with rivet mitts, clenched into fists, and punched into the bodyguard's stomach with a punch and a punch. The lethality was very strong.

Not a moment, a total of seven or eight bodyguards in the house were given uniforms by men, all of which were on the ground.

Li Dacheng saw the man coming toward him again, scared to roll straight down from the sofa and kneel on the floor. "Heroes! Heroes are forgiving! Don't hit me! What do you want, as long as you open your mouth! Want money? What I have is!"

However, regardless of what Li Dacheng said, the man turned a deaf ear and directly picked up his collar, and put his obese body on the top of the country and slammed into the coffee table.

After Li Dacheng landed, he smashed the coffee table and made a painful scream.

This is not finished, the man rides on him again, begins to fatten him, and Li Dacheng is crying and crying, and calling his grandfather to spare his life will not help.

Xiao Yu’s horror was undecided, and he was holding clothes and watching the man beating Li Dacheng. His heart was full of complicated thoughts.

She couldn't think of it at all, in her most desperate moments, people like the Cavaliers would be him!

The incarnation of this demon and angel, the man who is also evil, Ma Yidong!

Ma Yidong’s approach is extremely cruel. Like the rumors, he is very vicious and unpopular.

Once started, the other party will be dead.

Li Dacheng was in his hands, and he was unlucky. Ma Yindong not only killed him half-hearted, but finally picked up the bottle and broke the bottom of the bottle. He directly inserted the sharp end into Li Dacheng’s crotch, completely eliminating the trouble.

Dare to bully his woman, this is the lesson!


Li Dacheng made a painful scream and people passed out.

Ma Yindong dropped the bottle, stood up and turned to look at the woman on the sofa.

Seeing that she was a cockroach and her clothes were not well-dressed, Ma Yindong raised his brow. "I still don't go? What is stupid?"

Xiao Yuqi came back and struggled to get up from the sofa, but when she just stood up, she felt that her legs were soft and the whole person had to fall.

Ma Yindong caught her eye quickly, stopped her waist, and looked down at the alcohol from her, and saw that the clothes in front of her were soaked in alcohol, and probably guessed what happened before.

"They fill your wine?"

Xiao Yuqi nodded with some grievances.

I don't know why, at this moment, I was held in my arms by a man. She was so sad that her nose was sore and she wanted to cry.


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