Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 1958: Let everyone be caught off guard

1958, even if this is the case, then you can't just grab a boyfriend. "Sister, why are you looking for him? He is notoriously the first of the four capitals in Beijing. He is the first. Collect this site."

There was a smugness on the face of Ma Yindong’s unspeakable face. "I admit, I am awkward, but my person is not the same as others. I never play a woman."

When Ma Yindong said this, he looked at Xiao Yu’s eyes.

Xiao Yu’s heart is in the air, who is the person with her every time?

Xiao Yuche couldn’t accept it. The whole person was in the ward. Ma Yindong said what he said. “Yes! Your sisters and brothers are here, I will go back first.”

Ma Yindong also wore a black basketball uniform, showing a **** texture, sweat on the back is not dry, this hot sweat dripping makes him show a full manly flavor.

Xiao Yuxi ignored him and let him leave. When he left, Xiao Yuche took the direction of Ma Yindong and asked, "Sister, how did you know him?"


"I told you, sister, his famous male Playboy is a young master, and he doesn't learn anything. You don't like him, you must stay away from him!"

"I know, I won't be like him."

Xiao Yuche said again, "I am sure that he must deliberately find you in order to avenge me. You have to be careful. If you meet him next time, hide from him."


Without the younger brother's account, she will also consciously stay away from Ma Yindong, the guy who has no hair on her mouth, and gives a feeling of being unreliable at first glance.

Xiao Yuxi was hospitalized, and there was nothing wrong with it. Xiao Yuche waited until she fell asleep before leaving.

The original doctor asked Xiao Yuxi to stay in the hospital for a few days, but the next morning after the hospitalization, Xiao Yuxi received a phone call from the company and learned that the artist in her hand had an accident. She temporarily decided to leave the hospital.

Not long after she left, Ma Yindong took something to the hospital to see her, but found that she had already been discharged.

Looking at the empty bed, Ma Yindong took a deep breath, this woman, did not call and left, and even thank you.

Xiao Yuqi took a taxi back to the company and saw the reporters who were surrounded by the downstairs. When the reporter saw her, they came in and interviewed.

"Xiao Yuxi, can you explain to Su Jimo, the inside story of his hidden marriage?"

"Xiao Yuxi, has your company already known about the hidden marriage of Su Yingdi and deliberately choose to conceal?"

"Xiao Yuxi, can you arrange the next time, let us interview Su Jinmo?"


The reporter followed, Xiao Yuxi was surrounded by a leak, if the company's colleague Guan Hao appeared in time, and protected her in, she may not be able to get out for a while.

Finally entered the company, Guan Hao cares, "Nothing, rain?"

"Nothing, thank you just now."

"You're welcome, nothing is fine, you have to deal with the problem!"

Guan Hao patted her shoulder and then headed for another department.

Xiao Yuxi returned to the office and saw a man sitting on the sofa, only revealing the back of one of his heads.

After looking at the back of the head, he can recognize that he is the two-handed film emperor Su Mo, which she has held in her hand. She has just won the title of the emperor for the second time, so that the company can get a popular male star with word of mouth and ratings.

In a previous news, the company was still propagating for him, but in a few days, he broke the inside news that he had already married.

Moreover, in the absence of the company's knowledge, everyone was caught off guard, and Xiao Yuxi and the company were stunned.


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