Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 1966: In order to torture her

In 1966, this guy didn't say anything, just ran to her office to find her, but it was too arrogant!

Ma Yindong leaned on the sofa, his legs overlapped, his posture was leisurely, and he was secluded. "You still owe me medical expenses. Collect this site."

His subtext is that he paid for her medical expenses, she actually ran straight, he did not come to her?

"How much I owe you, tell me directly, I will give it back to you!"

Xiao Yuying stared at the owed face, not angry.

"I won't tell you, I want you to owe me forever."

Xiao Yu stunned him with a glance, swearing, "I'm sick!"

Ma Yindong got up and walked towards her. Xiao Yu saw that he was close and subconsciously wanted to escape.

She was forced to go backwards until she fell into her chair. "Hey! This is my office, I warn you, it's best to be safe!"

The mouth is very tough, but my heart is very afraid of him!

Ma Yindong put her on the seat, condescending, scornful and handsome lips, asked, "What do you call me in the morning? Do you miss me, huh?"

"Ghosts miss you, I made the wrong call!" Xiao Yuxi refused to admit.

"Then why is there a woman in the morning who is exactly the same as you wore, ran to the scene of the accident, claiming that he was the girlfriend of the 霈axxxxx owner and asked the owner about it?"

Ma Zhaodong did go to the car last night, but since he was driving a particularly cool new car, his friend wanted to try it, so when he left, he changed his car with his friend.

However, I did not expect that a friend would drive his car and there would be an accident. He later received a phone call from the police and learned about the situation. He then listened to the police and said that his girlfriend had found him.

On the face of Shangmao Dongxiao’s smile, Xiao Yu’s temper is gone, admit, “Yes! I went to the scene of the accident, but what about it? I just went to see if you are dead!”

"You just want me to die?" He was a little closer to her, and the hot breath was spread directly on her face, and the pressure was too strong, causing her to breathe.

"Yes! You better hurry to me! And, get out of here!"

Xiao Yuxi pushed him away directly, and the direction of the finger door was rude.

"Let me go? I am reporting today!"

Ma Yindong raised his arm and looked at her with a sly look.

Xiao Yuxi, looking at his face, thinking of the newcomers who have previously said the arrangement, can you say...

"Don't tell me, why do you always want me to bring new people, you are!"

Ma Yindong grabbed her hand and shook her hand. "Well, happy cooperation!"

Xiao Yuxi "..."

This incident is afraid to make her too surprised. She did not expect Ma Yindong this guy to entangle her in this way, run her company directly, to be a newcomer under her, or to enter the relationship.

"Ma Yidong, I tell you, the entertainment circle is not the racing track. If you want to come, you want to leave. It is not suitable for you, this big master, you still have to go back!"

Xiao Yuxi knows that he is such a rich and young master, and it is only a temporary rise. It belongs to the nature of playing tickets. It is impossible to eat the bitterness of acting.

To put it bluntly, he is just trying to torture her.

"I am serious, a newcomer like me who is full of potential, can't you be satisfied?"

Ma Yindong is very confident in himself and is also very interested in acting.

I met a scout before, and asked if he would like to join the entertainment circle, but he did not consider it because he did not lack money, and his father did not agree to let him act.

But now it's different, because there is Xiao Yuxi here. In order to get close to her, he runs the risk of being interrupted by his father and entering the entertainment circle.


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