Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 2032: Tear off the cold camouflage

2032, Ma Yidong will climb up the pole, cynical tone, with a little innocent say,

"Hey, you will let me get up, and let me lie down later, what do you want people to do?"

"..." headache!

Xiao Yu sighed and passed his eyes. "I am letting you hurry to roll me!"

In the direction of her finger door, Ma Ying looked away and deliberately said, "But I have no clothes to wear, can't let me go out wearing underwear."

Last night, he was drunk and spit dirty clothes. She had no choice but to help him take off his clothes and wash them.

"You give me waiting!"

Xiao Yuxi turned and went to get clothes. When he said this, he was clearly gnashing his teeth.

In front of outsiders, Xiao Yuzhen has always been a cold, savvy and savvy look, and only in front of Ma Yindong, she will be forced to tear off the cold camouflage.

It’s going to be mad!

Whether it is screaming or angry, in the view of Ma Yindong, this is Xiao Yu, who has feelings.

Instead of deliberately pretending to be cold, he refused to be thousands of miles away.

Xiao Yu went to the bathroom and took Ma Yindong's clothes from the dryer and threw them on his head.

Ma Yindong squatted under the nose and smelled it under the nose. He said intoxicatedly, "Well, it’s really fragrant, it’s still a familiar taste."

"Hurry up! Wear it and roll it for me!"

Xiao Yu’s face was black and his heart was mad, and he could not scratch his face.

Why haven’t you seen it for six years? He is still the same as the original, so rogue, so rogue, so hateful?

"I waited until the evening from the morning, and finally waited until you came back. I didn't say anything, would you just drive me away? I won't leave!"

Ma Yidong wore clothes, did not mean to leave, but picked up his arms and sat on the edge of the bed childishly.

"You don't go!"

Xiao Yuqi advised not to leave someone, but only hard. She stepped forward and grabbed Ma Yindong’s wrist and wanted to take him out of the bedroom. But who knows, her strength could not shake Ma Yindong.

Ma Yindong only slightly exerted a force, but her people instead hit him directly.


Xiao Yuqi screamed, and Ma Yindong slid into the bed, and as a result, it became the posture of Xiao Yu’s bed.

The woman is a man, close at hand, breathing overlapping.

The two looked at each other's eyes and forgot to react.

Until Ma Yindong came up with a saying about the scenery, "Xiao Yuxi, I know that you still think about me, you see, you don't need to worry so much? You want, I can give you immediately."

"Shut up! You are a rogue robber who is too shameless to stink!"

Xiao Yuqi returned to God, and his cheeks were red, and he struggled to beat him a few times and quickly retreated from him.

As long as she can think of his words, she uses it in one breath.

In this life, if she can, she really hopes that she will not have any entanglement with Ma Yindong.

One injury is enough, and she doesn't want to be ruined in his hands for the rest of her life.

Ma Yidong sat up, and faintly came, "Thank you for your compliments to me, baby, you are still so understanding."

"Roll! Give me a roll! I don't want to see you for a second, you don't roll, I will call the police."

Ma Yindong stood up and came to her, opened his arms, and snarled. "Okay, come on, hold it!"

"Ma Yidong!!!"

Xiao Yuqi couldn't bear to the extreme, the chest was violently ups and downs, the body trembled, and her eyes filled with tears unconsciously, indicating that her emotions at the moment were on the verge of collapse.

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