Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 2037: There is another obstacle

2037, "Who did you listen to? My dad told you?"

What Ma Jundong was most worried about was that his father did not look for Xiao Yuxi in the dark and said something hurt to her. bookmark our website

"Yeah." Xiao Yu nodded.

Sure enough!

It seems that the real reason for Xiao Yuxi’s departure from Yujing was far more than the death of Xiao Yuche.

Xiao Yu said again, "Not only is your father telling me, I also asked my mother. This is confirmed. So Ma Yidong, it is a ridiculous thing between us, can you stop here?"

Ma Yidong was obviously angry. He stood up from the sofa and cried. "I don't believe it! I don't believe we have blood relationship!"

After Ma Yindong finished, he pulled a hair directly from Xiao Yu's hair.

Xiao Yu’s scalp hurts and asks, “Hey~! What are you doing?”

"Let me have a hair! We are not brothers and sisters, just verify it."

Ma Yidong is no longer the big boy who used to think simple. Now he knows how to analyze problems and find ways.

The relationship between them, who said it is not counted, only the most scientific method to verify, in order to get the desired answer.

Ma Yindong did not continue to stay, after getting the hair, left directly.


A week later, Ma Yindong got the appraisal results, and the results were unexpected.

He and Xiao Yuxi's hair dna match, confirming that there is no blood relationship between them.

After getting this good news, Ma Yidong drove to Jingyue Entertainment for the first time and took the result to Xiao Yuxi.

"Hey! Look at this, what is this!!"

Ma Yindong’s joy is beyond words.

After Xiao Yuqi saw the appraisal report, he was surprised. The results shown in the report, the hair identification of the two of them, confirmed that they are not the same sister.

There is no blood relationship between them at all.

Xiao Yuxi finally understood. Maybe her mother and Ma Hangcheng had had children. Maybe the child didn't stay. Ma Hangcheng just used this excuse to break them up.

When she asked her mother about the incident, the mother admitted that she had had children, but she did not ask clearly enough, and she did not answer enough details, so that she had been misunderstanding for so long.

Now finally figured out, Ma Yindong grabbed Xiao Yusong’s hand and asked, “Hey! Now you know the result? You don’t have to blame any more. There is nothing between us. Only men like women, I love you. relationship."

Ma Yindong's eyes were full of affection, watching her, the atmosphere was just right, Ma Yidong wanted to conquer Xiao Yuxi, and planned to have a kiss.

However, her phone rang at this time. Xiao Yuqi returned to God and touched her hot cheeks and said, "Well, let's go out first, I have to work busy."

Ma Yidong did not continue to entangle, "OK, I am waiting for you."

After talking about her "what", Xiao Yuxi felt that her face was hotter.


Since the relationship was settled, Ma Yidong’s mood was much better. When he met Xiao Yuzhen, he obviously felt that she was not as cold as before.

For the next period of time, Ma Yidong came to Jingyue Entertainment almost every day and sent a bunch of flowers to his woman.

He pursued Xiao Yu's business, and everyone in Jingyue knew it.

However, there is another obstacle between them, that is, Xiao Yuxin, which is now Ning Xin.

After Xiao Yuxi went abroad, Xiao Yuxin had been in contact with Ma Yindong as a sister next door.

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