Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 2067: Want to pick up the phone

2067, Yi Yi grabbed her wrist, Fang Xiao Orange was forced to stop, turned back, sneered, "What do you always come here?"

Yi Yi couldn't stand Fang Xiao Orange's so cold look, and endured the uncomfortable feeling in his heart. He said, "Orange, let's find a place to talk about it. Collect this site and give me another chance, okay? Orange?"

"Is there anything to talk about? You always have a new love, so cherish life! Don't come to me again!"

Fang Xiao Orange opened his hand and walked away.

Yi Yan stopped her again. "You explain the words, when did I find a new love, I have no other women, I only have one in my heart."

"Don't lie to me again! Last night Hilton 6288 room, did you spend a night with a beautiful woman, how do you explain?" Fang Xiao Orange asked.

Yi Xin’s heart screamed, "How do you know?"

"That is there? You ask me how I know, of course I am going to send you clothes and bump into it. You have always been good in front of me, but I did not expect that you and other men have no What is different. I can understand you, in the entertainment circle, beside Yan Yan, it is easy to lose yourself when I am a man. I don’t blame you. Anyway, we are already divorced. Who are you with, I can’t control it!”

When Fang Xiaoyang said this in his words, in fact, his heart was like the feeling of being pinched, and it was covered with dense pain.

I am afraid that no one in the world who is a wife, and seeing her husband with other women, can still be indifferent unless he does not love him.

But now Fang Xiao Orange, she has long fallen in love with Yi, she will be sensitive, suspicious, jealous, because he is sad and sad.

"You sent me clothes? Why don't I know?"

After I woke up in the morning, I didn't see any clean clothes in the room, and he didn't know how to get to the Hilton Hotel room. How did Fang Xiao Orange find it?

"It's the message you sent me. Let me send the clothes. The result is just to let me see you with other women. Why do you want to be easy? You think that if you do, you will be able to stimulate me. Have you not loved me, you can't hurt me anymore."

Fang Xiao Orange said this sentence in violation of his heart. He was so painful that he could not breathe and kept controlling his tears.

"I sent you a message? I have not sent any information? You wait for me!"

Yi Yi opened the phone and found that in the outbox, he did not send any information last night. "Look, I am empty here, I have not sent you any information!"

Fang Xiao Orange didn't want to say anything. He opened his mobile phone and showed him the information he sent. "You can't admit it. It may be that you are drunk. It's possible to delete it, but I have a record here. Have you seen it clearly? What else do you have a good explanation?"


Yi Yi was completely shocked. He saw the news that he sent the phone in Qing Xiao Orange's mobile phone, but he didn't have any impression at all.

Thinking of the strange woman, Yi Zhen suddenly found that the matter was not as simple as he thought, and he was very afraid of thinking. Eighty percent was the woman who Guan Mei, and he wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to create these troubles.

Damn it!

"Don't say anything! In the future, I will always be happy. I live alone with North and North. It is best for you not to have any involvement. Let me go! I have to go to work!"

Fang Xiao Orange opened his hand and turned to her own car and drove away.

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